[DRE-maint] getting rid of packages-wip/ in our SVN repository

Martín Ferrari martin.ferrari at gmail.com
Mon Sep 15 14:06:27 UTC 2008

On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 10:55, Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at gwolf.org> wrote:

> There is an important distinction, IMHO, between what PET sees as
> "work in progress" and what we (pkg-ruby-extras) see as -wip: The
> later means they are packages which do not affect Debian's QA, as they
> have not yet been uploaded for the first time. So they could IMHO be
> added as a "first upload pending" category, or something like that,
> mainly to keep them under the radar and so that the group does not
> forget about them just because the ITPer has forgotten (or in any
> case, somebody can resume ITP work).

Ah, yes, it's a good idea and can be done almost trivially. for
example with the just commited revision 616 :)

Martín Ferrari

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