[DRE-maint] Bug#1075473: fix or update? Re: prometheus-client-mmap FTBFS with gcc 14

Rebecca N. Palmer rebecca_palmer at zoho.com
Sun Dec 15 13:49:56 GMT 2024

(Found while looking for semi-random RC bugs to work on, so I may be 
missing context; if so, I apologize.)

Should we be trying to fix this, or does it make more sense to update to 
a newer upstream version?

Upstream have replaced this C extension by a Rust extension:

Its only reverse dependency appears to be gitlab, which actually wants 
the newer version:

We appear to have all the Rust version's dependencies, but rb-sys-env 
(0.1 vs 0.2) and thiserror (1.0 vs 2.0) are too old and nix (0.29 vs 
0.25) is too new.

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