[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Processed: Re: Bug#973414: libmozjs-78-0: invalid opcodes when launching GDM on AMD Geode

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at bugs.debian.org
Thu Dec 10 19:24:08 GMT 2020

Processing control commands:

> reassign 973414 rustc
Bug #973414 [libmozjs-78-0] libmozjs-78-0: invalid opcodes when launching GDM on AMD Geode
Bug reassigned from package 'libmozjs-78-0' to 'rustc'.
No longer marked as found in versions mozjs78/78.3.0-2.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #973414 to the same values previously set
> reassign 976374 rustc
Bug #976374 [librsvg2-2] librsvg2-2: crashes with invalid opcode on Geode LX800 since transition to Rust
Bug reassigned from package 'librsvg2-2' to 'rustc'.
No longer marked as found in versions librsvg/2.40.16-1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #976374 to the same values previously set
> forcemerge 973414 976374
Bug #973414 [rustc] libmozjs-78-0: invalid opcodes when launching GDM on AMD Geode
Bug #976374 [rustc] librsvg2-2: crashes with invalid opcode on Geode LX800 since transition to Rust
Added tag(s) help.
Bug #973414 [rustc] libmozjs-78-0: invalid opcodes when launching GDM on AMD Geode
Added tag(s) upstream.
Merged 973414 976374
> retitle 973414 rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386
Bug #973414 [rustc] libmozjs-78-0: invalid opcodes when launching GDM on AMD Geode
Bug #976374 [rustc] librsvg2-2: crashes with invalid opcode on Geode LX800 since transition to Rust
Changed Bug title to 'rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386' from 'libmozjs-78-0: invalid opcodes when launching GDM on AMD Geode'.
Changed Bug title to 'rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386' from 'librsvg2-2: crashes with invalid opcode on Geode LX800 since transition to Rust'.
> affects 973414 + libmozjs-78-0 src:mozjs78 librsvg2-2 src:librsvg
Bug #973414 [rustc] rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386
Bug #976374 [rustc] rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386
Added indication that 973414 affects libmozjs-78-0, src:mozjs78, librsvg2-2, and src:librsvg
Added indication that 976374 affects libmozjs-78-0, src:mozjs78, librsvg2-2, and src:librsvg

973414: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=973414
976374: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=976374
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at bugs.debian.org with problems

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