[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Processed: Re: Bug#973414: libmozjs-78-0: invalid opcodes when launching GDM on AMD Geode

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at bugs.debian.org
Thu Dec 10 19:24:11 GMT 2020

Processing control commands:

> reassign 973414 rustc
Bug #973414 [rustc] rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386
Bug #976374 [rustc] rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386
Ignoring request to reassign bug #973414 to the same package
Ignoring request to reassign bug #976374 to the same package
> reassign 976374 rustc
Bug #976374 [rustc] rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386
Bug #973414 [rustc] rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386
Ignoring request to reassign bug #976374 to the same package
Ignoring request to reassign bug #973414 to the same package
> forcemerge 973414 976374
Bug #973414 [rustc] rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386
Bug #976374 [rustc] rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386
Bug #976374 [rustc] rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386
Removed indication that 976374 affects libmozjs-78-0, librsvg2-2, src:librsvg, and src:mozjs78
Added indication that 976374 affects src:librsvg,libmozjs-78-0,librsvg2-2,src:mozjs78
Removed indication that 973414 affects src:mozjs78, src:librsvg, librsvg2-2, and libmozjs-78-0
Added indication that 973414 affects src:librsvg,libmozjs-78-0,librsvg2-2,src:mozjs78
Merged 973414 976374
> retitle 973414 rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386
Bug #973414 [rustc] rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386
Bug #976374 [rustc] rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386
Ignoring request to change the title of bug#973414 to the same title
Ignoring request to change the title of bug#976374 to the same title
> affects 973414 + libmozjs-78-0 src:mozjs78 librsvg2-2 src:librsvg
Bug #973414 [rustc] rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386
Bug #976374 [rustc] rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386
Ignoring request to set affects of bug 973414 to the same value previously set
Ignoring request to set affects of bug 976374 to the same value previously set

973414: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=973414
976374: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=976374
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at bugs.debian.org with problems

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