[Pkg-rust-maintainers] Bug#1004278: rust-petgraph - update or remove quickcheck feature for quickcheck 1.0

peter green plugwash at p10link.net
Mon Jan 24 03:36:27 GMT 2022

package: rust-petgraph

kcrypd has requested an update for quickcheck to 1.0 in bug https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1001656

I am also looking at moving rand to 0.8. quickcheck previously had rand as part of it's public API,
so it makes sense to update quickcheck at the same time as rand. I made an attempt at porting the quickcheck
feature in petgraph for quickcheck 1.0 but while I got it to compile, all the relavent tests failed,
so i'm not uploading it in it's current state.

I've uploaded the new version of rust-quickcheck to experimental and attatched the patch I attempted to
prepares for rust-petgraph in case anyone else wants to take a crack at porting it. Otherwise unless
someone raises an objetion I intend to drop the quickcheck feature from this package when I update
rand/quickcheck in unstable.

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