Bringing SDL_ttf under the SDL-team umbrella

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at
Fri Jan 27 10:19:41 UTC 2012

Hello Samuel, SDL folks,

This e-mail is a proposal for Samuel Mimram about bringin the
sdl-ttf2.0 package [1] under the SDL-team umbrella.


At SDL team, maintaining many SDL-related packages [2], and we would
like to get SDL_ttf up to date, both in terms to shipping upstream
versions (right now it's 2 versions behind) and to packaging practices
(including e.g. multi-arch).  We intend to upload an up-to-date
package of SDL_ttf very soon.


Since you haven't uploaded versions of this package since ~4 years ago
probably you are not interested in the package anymore.  But if you
continue interested we would like you to join us, so we can coordinate
some efforts needed by the all the SDL packages better, like upgrades
to version 1.3 when available (or if we decide to use pre-releases, as
it's the case now with the main library).

Would you please let us know what do you think about that?


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