Some SDL2-* library updates?

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at
Mon Jan 25 00:18:39 UTC 2016

2016-01-21 13:29 GMT+00:00 Gianfranco Costamagna
<costamagnagianfranco at>:
> Hi,
> (a sum-up at the bottom)
>>I planned to work in libsdl2-{net,ttf,mixer} this week-end, to upload
>>when the main libsdl2 hits unstable.
> wonderful! I did the work locally, it seems trivial (just some bug fixes about missing
> file descriptor closes and some memory leaks fixed)
> anyway I happily deleted it :)

Oh, I didn't know that you had gone ahead already, sorry.

I started with -net Sat and it would be ready to upload but libsdl2
had not been built on all arches and was not available in unstable
from my local mirror, so I left it at that.  I will work and upload
those three (-{net,ttf,mixer}) in the next few days.

>>So please, leave those for me and start with the others (but wait a
>>bit before starting, in the case that other people have plans of their
> I plan to upload sdlgfx and libsdl2-gfx with a fixed watch file
> (pointing now to sf)
> (changes are already on git)
> no new releases for them, I hope you are fine(of course I'll delay the push after sdl2 is on unstable or even testing)

I'm fine, I think that you were the last one who had worked on them anyway.

> the only one left is libsdl2-image, I guess you want to take that job too, right?
> so, there is nothing left to me, except for sdlpango and smpeg.

Good, thanks.

About -image, Felix was the one working on that one, I don't know if I
ever did anything important with it.  If he doesn't reply in a couple
of days I guess that you can go ahead.

> smpeg: I imported the new svn checkout, not it is called smpeg2 so I had to refactor the packaging.
> seems the old one is dead, moved to libsdl2.
> it will probably require a transition, because of the reverse dependencies.
> (maybe we can do this later)

I had planned to do something with smpeg since a while (years!) back,
but since there was no clear SDLv1 and SDLv2 with smpeg and since
release freezes got in the way, I left it behind.

I think that all the rest of modules (stretch, console, etc) are SDLv1
only, and some of them abandoned since 2003, but still used by some
software within Debian, so...

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo at>

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