Bug#1051522: libsdl2: SDL_RenderSetClipRect bugfix regression

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Sat Sep 9 15:06:12 BST 2023

Control: forwarded -1 https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/issues/6896
Control: tags -1 + upstream

On Sat, 09 Sep 2023 at 07:16:34 +0200, Rhonda D'Vine wrote:
> I got notified by wesnoth upstream that there is a bug in SDL starting with
> 2.27 that will affect the upcoming wesnoth release.  It was caused by a
> regression in a bugfix they applied.
> https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/issues/6896
> From reading the bug report it should be a rather straight-forward fix

I've attempted to guess the solution that the commenters on the
upstream bug had in mind, and asked them to test. If it's reasonably
straightforward for you to test this with newer Wesnoth, confirmation
whether this works would be useful.

I don't intend to patch this in Debian without it having been ack'd
upstream, but if they merge a patch, I'm happy to apply it to our SDL in
advance of it getting into actual releases (you'll see in the changelog
that our SDL packaging often includes post-release bug fixes from the
upstream release-2.x.y branches).

I'm somewhat surprised that this was only noticed as a regression a couple
of weeks ago, since I know wesnoth has a version on Steam that uses the
Debian-11-based Steam Runtime 3.0 container, which has had a backport
of SDL 2.28.x since July. But perhaps the newer branch of wesnoth hasn't
made it into a Steam beta branch yet, or isn't routinely tested there?


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