[Pkg-shadow-devel] French manpages translation

Nicolas François nicolas.francois at centraliens.net
Sun Aug 28 00:49:01 UTC 2005

Hello Tomasz,

Here is a French PO for the manpages.

It does not exactly match your POT (neither Debian's one, because I made
some changes to the manpages), but it could be useful to test the
generation of the translated man pages.
It will also need a review from a translation team (it was partially
reviewed because this PO is based on the existing one (for po4a), but I
may have messed-up some strings)

The most important issue found for the translations is about the
<!-- .br --> lines (for example in limits.5.xml).

They do not appear in the POT, and so the formatting is completely buggy.
It will give, for an English translation:

  A: max address space (KB) C: max core file size (KB) D: max data size (KB)
  F: maximum filesize (KB) M: max locked-in-memory address space (KB) N: max
  number of open files ...

instead of:
  A: max address space (KB)
  C: max core file size (KB)
  D: max data size (KB)
  F: maximum filesize (KB)
  M: max locked-in-memory address space (KB)
  N: max number of open files

Then there are some minor problems... I'm preparing patches.
For example:
* there are some arguments called "passwd", and which should be
  translated to "mot_de_passe" in French, but can't be translated because
  passwd is also the name of a program)
* some xml parts should be re-indented
  "<tag>foo bar
  should be re-indented into "<tag>foo bar</tag>.", otherwise a space is
  inserted between "bar" and "."

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