[Pkg-shadow-devel] The team increases

Christian Perrier bubulle@debian.org
Sun, 12 Jun 2005 19:46:10 +0200

Please welcome Christine Spang who joined us today to bring us more
(wo)manpower and, for instance, help in bug triage or whatever huge
task we will have for this important package maintenance.

Some of you probably know that I have a great interest and motivation
for the Debian Women project=A0: Christine's arrival is directly related
to this. Christine mentioned she's interested in learning more about
bug triage (an important but sometimes very tedious task, especially
for big packages or packages which have been neglected for a while).

Christine, I wrote a README about bug triage for the shadow
package. You'll find it in the trunk branch which you may checkout
with the following command:

svn co svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-shadow/trunk shadow

Christine and Almut, you'll read a lot of discussions in the list
about working on patches. If you look in debian/patches in the SVN
repository, you will find there all patches we currently apply to the
upstream version we use in Debian (4.0.3). One of the goals of the
team is currently resynchronising the version of shadow in Debian with
the version published by upstream (4.0.9 and soon 4.0.10).

The "patch triage" task you will see is related to this=A0: we isolate
each patch, analyse its purpose and propose it to upstream (namely
Tomasz Klockzko, who is already subscribed to this list). If Tomasz
accepts it and applies it to his CVS repository, then the patch is ut
in the 3xx series. Otherwise, it is put in the 4xx series.

This is a running process, so helping in there may not be
immediate...but try to follow the work just to see what happens.

The curren team members are:

Martin Quinson (fr)
Nicolas Fran=E7ois (fr)
Alexander Gattin (uk=3D=3D*Ukraine*)

And I also count in Tomasz Klockzko (pl), the upstream author.

Welcome on board to you two...
