Bug#308478: [Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#308478: passwd: Allowable characters in user/group names regex broken
Christian Perrier
Tue, 10 May 2005 17:56:09 +0200
Quoting Martin Quinson (martin.quinson@loria.fr):
> Ok, this one is easy to fix, you just have to remove the dash sign in
> 00list. Please don't commit the fix to the cvs yet, we are moving to svn. Do
> you want me to upload the fix?
> I think that since it's not sarge critical, it can wait tomorrow. But you
> may not agree. In which case, I can upload a fixed version in the next 5 mn.
> Christian, I'm just waiting for the green light. But don't touch the cvs now.
Well, if you have an opportunity to upload before today's dinstall,
that would be fine. If you can't, well, this is not that critical.