Bug#308478: [Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#308478: passwd: Allowable characters in user/group names regex broken
Christian Perrier
Tue, 10 May 2005 19:17:00 +0200
Quoting Christian Perrier (bubulle@debian.org):
> Quoting Martin Quinson (martin.quinson@loria.fr):
> > Ok, this one is easy to fix, you just have to remove the dash sign in
> > 00list. Please don't commit the fix to the cvs yet, we are moving to svn. Do
> > you want me to upload the fix?
> >
> > I think that since it's not sarge critical, it can wait tomorrow. But you
> > may not agree. In which case, I can upload a fixed version in the next 5 mn.
> >
> > Christian, I'm just waiting for the green light. But don't touch the cvs now.
> Well, if you have an opportunity to upload before today's dinstall,
> that would be fine. If you can't, well, this is not that critical.
I have a -34 version ready to be uploaded. I just check that it fixes
308478 and I upload.