[Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#139815: Are useradd.local/userdel.local still relevant?

Christian Perrier Christian Perrier <bubulle@debian.org>, 139815@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 16 May 2005 20:14:05 +0200

In #139815, the bug submitter mentions:

I think it would be betteter to use run-parts for user{add,del}.local. So
the installed packages could install their own files.
If you are interested, I can make a patch for you. When you say yes, please
give me a hint where to store them. I think they should be somewhere in /etc.
But where?

Howevr, to my knowledge useradd.local is not used (anymore?) and I see
no reference to this file anywhere.

Tomasz and others, do you think that this bug can be closed because no
more relevant?
