[Pkg-shadow-devel] Bug#190215: marked as forwarded ([TO CLOSE 20050524] login: su should log successful root logins with LOG_NOTICE, like login does)
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Tue, 24 May 2005 23:03:10 -0700
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retitle 190215 login: su should log successful root logins with LOG_NOTIC=
E, like login does
tags 190215 confirmed
> > I think this is enough information and hence I propose closing this
> > bug report.
> It's not exactly what I was after.
> The pam log messages are of priority LOG_INFO and are generated
> regardless of the user that logs in. The login program issues an
> additional log message with (higher) priority LOG_NOTICE for root
> logins. I think this makes sense, because somebody logging in as root i=
> always a more "interesting" event than somebody logging in with a
> "normal" user name, and this justifies (IMHO) a log message with higher
> priority.
> It seems that not many people divide their logs by priority, but I, for
> example, do :-)
OK, I now get the point. You want something like this:
May 25 07:28:47 mykerinos login[12381]: =C9CHEC DE CONNEXION (1) sur=AB=A0=
pts/1=A0=BB POUR =AB=A0root=A0=BB, Authentication failure
May 25 07:28:51 mykerinos login[12381]: (pam_unix) session opened foruser=
tintin by (uid=3D0)
May 25 07:29:01 mykerinos login[4210]: (pam_unix) session opened for user=
root by LOGIN(uid=3D0)
May 25 07:29:01 mykerinos login[4210]: ROOT LOGIN on `tty1'
The first and fourth entries are LOG_NOTICE entries direct from login
while the second and third are from pam_unix.
This seems a reasonable suggestion to me=A0: implement the same scheme
in su. Tomasz, comments=A0?
I think that unsuccessful root logins should also be logged the same way =
successful ones are, by the way..:)