[Pkg-shadow-devel] Re: summary preparation for technical comittee: setting the umask

C. Gatzemeier c.gatzemeier at tu-bs.de
Wed Oct 5 12:09:23 UTC 2005

Am Wednesday 05 October 2005 10:43 schrieb Tollef Fog Heen:
> | - (wishlist) provide an option like login(1)s USERGROUPS_ENAB for UPG
> | compliance.
> UPG?

User private groups.

or shorter http://developer.skolelinux.no/arkitektur/arkitektur.html.en#AEN104
(third paragraph)

From /etc/login.defs:
# Enable setting of the umask group bits to be the same as owner bits
# (examples: 022 -> 002, 077 -> 007) for non-root users, if the uid is
# the same as gid, and username is the same as the primary group name.
# This also enables userdel to remove user groups if no members exist.

Piotr did submitt a diff for /etc/profile that emulates the behaviour

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