[Pkg-shadow-devel] Re: shadow override disparity

Christian Perrier bubulle at debian.org
Mon Sep 26 17:27:22 UTC 2005

Quoting Debian Installer (installer at ftp-master.debian.org):
> There are disparities between your recently accepted upload and the
> override file for the following file(s):
> login_4.0.12-2_i386.deb: package says section is base, override says admin.
> passwd_4.0.12-2_i386.deb: package says section is base, override says admin.
> Either the package or the override file is incorrect.  If you think
> the override is correct and the package wrong please fix the package
> so that this disparity is fixed in the next upload.  If you feel the
> override is incorrect then please reply to this mail and explain why.
> [NB: this is an automatically generated mail; if you replied to one
> like it before and have not received a response yet, please ignore
> this mail.  Your reply needs to be processed by a human and will be in
> due course, but until then the installer will send these automated
> mails; sorry.]

I'm afraid I don't really understand, here...

The section for passwd and login has always been "base" so I actually
fail to see why it is "admin" in the override....but I must admit that
I'm blatantly ignorant about overrides files..:-)

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