[Pkg-shadow-devel] should src:adduser, src:shadow and src:base-passwd work together?
Marc Haber
mh+pkg-shadow-devel at zugschlus.de
Sun Aug 4 14:14:09 BST 2024
On Sun, Aug 04, 2024 at 02:47:37PM +0200, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote:
> * Marc Haber <mh+debian-packages at zugschlus.de> [240804 14:36]:
> > Would it be a good idea to form a joint effort, maintaining src:adduser,
> > src:shadow and maybe src:base-passwd in more close organization? It
> > would probably make more sense to keep the three packages in their own
> > repositories and as their own source package, but maybe having a joint
> > maintainer address would be a good idea to be able to discuss things
> > like #1077804 easier.
> I don't disagree, but I'll note some things:
> As you know, src:shadow uses an alioth mailing list [AML] , where
> I believe a number of people are subscribed, including Serge and
> maybe others from shadow upstream.
I am subscribed there as well. Would you guys mind me chiming in
occasionally with coordinative things, and probably even documenting
[AML] in adduser's README.Debian so that people who want to get involved
can participate?
> There is quite some overlap with util-linux, too. Some tools
> traditionally provided by src:shadow in Debian are now provided by
> src:util-linux, and there are open quests to use more of the
> util-linux tools.
otoh, util-linux is a monster by itself, I am not sure whether the
util-linux maintainers would be up to open another can of worms for
> I'd invite everyone involved to subscribe to [AML], as that seems
> like an easy option. I'm open to other ideas too.
I agree.
> Some place on IRC would also be useful.
I am Zugschlus on oftc and IRCnet, but I'd prefer having an asynchronous
and referencable method of communication as I am currently often
overwhelmed by too many things happening at once and tend to forget
things that were talked about on IRC. Feel free to hit me up on IRC for
casual chat and more direct discussions, but I'd rather not have an
additional window in my IRC client at this time.
Marc Haber | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Leimen, Germany | lose things." Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 6224 1600402
Nordisch by Nature | How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 6224 1600421
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