[Pkg-shadow-devel] should src:adduser, src:shadow and src:base-passwd work together?
Chris Hofstaedtler
zeha at debian.org
Mon Aug 5 00:18:46 BST 2024
* Marc Haber <mh+pkg-shadow-devel at zugschlus.de> [240804 15:14]:
> On Sun, Aug 04, 2024 at 02:47:37PM +0200, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote:
> > * Marc Haber <mh+debian-packages at zugschlus.de> [240804 14:36]:
> > > Would it be a good idea to form a joint effort, maintaining src:adduser,
> > > src:shadow and maybe src:base-passwd in more close organization? It
> > > would probably make more sense to keep the three packages in their own
> > > repositories and as their own source package, but maybe having a joint
> > > maintainer address would be a good idea to be able to discuss things
> > > like #1077804 easier.
> >
> > I don't disagree, but I'll note some things:
> >
> > As you know, src:shadow uses an alioth mailing list [AML] , where
> > I believe a number of people are subscribed, including Serge and
> > maybe others from shadow upstream.
> I am subscribed there as well. Would you guys mind me chiming in
> occasionally with coordinative things, and probably even documenting
> [AML] in adduser's README.Debian so that people who want to get involved
> can participate?
Great, sounds good to me.
> > There is quite some overlap with util-linux, too. Some tools
> > traditionally provided by src:shadow in Debian are now provided by
> > src:util-linux, and there are open quests to use more of the
> > util-linux tools.
> otoh, util-linux is a monster by itself, I am not sure whether the
> util-linux maintainers would be up to open another can of worms for
> them.
This can of worms was opened a long time ago, and maybe for trixie
we can make some further progress.
> > I'd invite everyone involved to subscribe to [AML], as that seems
> > like an easy option. I'm open to other ideas too.
> I agree.
> > Some place on IRC would also be useful.
> I am Zugschlus on oftc and IRCnet, but I'd prefer having an asynchronous
> and referencable method of communication as I am currently often
> overwhelmed by too many things happening at once and tend to forget
> things that were talked about on IRC. Feel free to hit me up on IRC for
> casual chat and more direct discussions, but I'd rather not have an
> additional window in my IRC client at this time.
Yeah, sometimes its useful to discuss changes in a quicker fashion
and then post the results to a bug, opposed to waiting a long time
for replies. Not implying anyone here, but I've seen and been myself
part/source of bugs that died for a few years for no good reason.
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