watch file problem

Ferenc Wagner wferi at
Thu Aug 21 21:41:30 UTC 2008

Russ Allbery <rra at> writes:

> Ferenc Wagner <wferi at> writes:
>> "Russ Allbery" <rra at> writes:
>>>  version=3
>>>  opts=dversionmangle=s/\.dfsg\d+$// \
>>>[\d.]+)/ \
>>> -    shibboleth-sp-([\d.]+)\.tar\.gz
>>> +    shibboleth-(?:sp-)?([\d.]+)\.tar\.gz
>> says:
>>     The package has a debian/watch file, but the last attempt to use
>>     it for checking for newer upstream versions failed with an error.
>> Have you got an idea why?
> Yeah, the above was the fix for that.  :)  I'm guessing
> hasn't caught up yet.  We can undo it in the next upload if Scott changes
> the tarball name back.

As you can see, I simply used the 'latest' directories with xmltooling
and opensaml2.  As a second thought, for the latter the 2 prefix would
have made some sense, but this way we'll surely notice a new major version.

Btw, would you mind importing the new upstreams into git?  I haven't
got pristine-tar installed on my development machine, as there's no
Etch version available, and backporting is cumbersome because it uses
debhelper 7.  I'm also rather uncertain about the correct procedure.
Would that be a simple git-buildpackage import after installing
pristine-tar?  After all, I'll upgrade sooner or later...

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