[PATCH] Install shibd-systemd only with --enable-systemd

Cantor, Scott cantor.2 at osu.edu
Wed Mar 23 21:55:42 UTC 2016

> They are not useful for the user, so we don't package them.  We remove
> all shibd-* init scripts except the -debian one, which we patch, move
> into place (/etc/init.d) and tie into the bootup process.  Same with the
> shibd-systemd unit file, although we also add a tmpfiles snippet and a
> default (think sysconfig) file .  Altogether, the packaging solutions
> can draw from from any (distributed) file, installing them does not add
> value in my opinion.  But I certainly see a limited view only and don't
> want to force anything on you.  We can handle the current case all
> right, if not very elegantly.

Well, my script is configuring a source build, and a source build doesn't know which of those files would actually be relevant to somebody. I can see the argument that that one specific case wouldn't be, but if somebody used it as a sample to work from, that's really all it's there for. So I don't think it's entirely right for me to guess what to install.

-- Scott

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