[shibboleth-sp2] 19/82: SSPCPP-711 Bracket some regexp.match() statements with a try/catch

Etienne Dysli Metref edm-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Nov 16 08:16:21 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

edm-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository shibboleth-sp2.

commit 7f340c95d33bcd6c3baebc5b4d8eb976599e83fb
Author: Rod Widdowson <rdw at steadingsoftware.com>
Date:   Wed Mar 1 16:19:30 2017 +0000

    SSPCPP-711 Bracket some regexp.match() statements with a try/catch
 shibsp/impl/XMLRequestMapper.cpp | 1348 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 682 insertions(+), 666 deletions(-)

diff --git a/shibsp/impl/XMLRequestMapper.cpp b/shibsp/impl/XMLRequestMapper.cpp
index d32eb97..6acad99 100644
--- a/shibsp/impl/XMLRequestMapper.cpp
+++ b/shibsp/impl/XMLRequestMapper.cpp
@@ -1,666 +1,682 @@
- * Licensed to the University Corporation for Advanced Internet
- * Development, Inc. (UCAID) under one or more contributor license
- * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
- * additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- *
- * UCAID licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
- * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
- * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
- * License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific
- * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
- */
-/** XMLRequestMapper.cpp
- *
- * XML-based RequestMapper implementation.
- */
-#include "internal.h"
-#include "exceptions.h"
-#include "AccessControl.h"
-#include "RequestMapper.h"
-#include "SPRequest.h"
-#include "util/CGIParser.h"
-#include "util/DOMPropertySet.h"
-#include "util/SPConstants.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
-#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
-#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
-#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
-#include <xmltooling/util/NDC.h>
-#include <xmltooling/util/ReloadableXMLFile.h>
-#include <xmltooling/util/Threads.h>
-#include <xmltooling/util/XMLHelper.h>
-#include <xercesc/util/XMLUniDefs.hpp>
-#include <xercesc/util/regx/RegularExpression.hpp>
-using shibspconstants::SHIB2SPCONFIG_NS;
-using namespace shibsp;
-using namespace xmltooling;
-using namespace boost;
-using namespace std;
-namespace shibsp {
-    // Blocks access when an ACL plugin fails to load.
-    class AccessControlDummy : public AccessControl
-    {
-    public:
-        Lockable* lock() {
-            return this;
-        }
-        void unlock() {}
-        aclresult_t authorized(const SPRequest& request, const Session* session) const {
-            return shib_acl_false;
-        }
-    };
-    class Override : public DOMPropertySet, public DOMNodeFilter
-    {
-    public:
-        Override(bool unicodeAware=false) : m_unicodeAware(unicodeAware) {}
-        Override(bool unicodeAware, const DOMElement* e, Category& log, const Override* base=nullptr);
-        ~Override() {}
-        // Provides filter to exclude special config elements.
-        short
-        FilterAction
-        acceptNode(const DOMNode* node) const {
-            return FILTER_REJECT;
-        }
-        const Override* locate(const HTTPRequest& request) const;
-        AccessControl* getAC() const { return (m_acl ? m_acl.get() : (getParent() ? dynamic_cast<const Override*>(getParent())->getAC() : nullptr)); }
-    protected:
-        void loadACL(const DOMElement* e, Category& log);
-        bool m_unicodeAware;
-        map< string,boost::shared_ptr<Override> > m_map;
-        vector< pair< boost::shared_ptr<RegularExpression>,boost::shared_ptr<Override> > > m_regexps;
-        vector< boost::tuple< string,boost::shared_ptr<RegularExpression>,boost::shared_ptr<Override> > > m_queries;
-    private:
-        scoped_ptr<AccessControl> m_acl;
-    };
-    class XMLRequestMapperImpl : public Override
-    {
-    public:
-        XMLRequestMapperImpl(const DOMElement* e, Category& log);
-        ~XMLRequestMapperImpl() {
-            if (m_document)
-                m_document->release();
-        }
-        void setDocument(DOMDocument* doc) {
-            m_document = doc;
-        }
-        const Override* findOverride(const char* vhost, const HTTPRequest& request) const;
-    private:
-        DOMDocument* m_document;
-    };
-#if defined (_MSC_VER)
-    #pragma warning( push )
-    #pragma warning( disable : 4250 )
-    class XMLRequestMapper : public RequestMapper, public ReloadableXMLFile
-    {
-    public:
-        XMLRequestMapper(const DOMElement* e) : ReloadableXMLFile(e,Category::getInstance(SHIBSP_LOGCAT ".RequestMapper")) {
-            background_load();
-        }
-        ~XMLRequestMapper() {
-            shutdown();
-        }
-        Settings getSettings(const HTTPRequest& request) const;
-    protected:
-        pair<bool,DOMElement*> background_load();
-    private:
-        scoped_ptr<XMLRequestMapperImpl> m_impl;
-    };
-#if defined (_MSC_VER)
-    #pragma warning( pop )
-    RequestMapper* SHIBSP_DLLLOCAL XMLRequestMapperFactory(const DOMElement* const & e)
-    {
-        return new XMLRequestMapper(e);
-    }
-    static const XMLCh _AccessControl[] =           UNICODE_LITERAL_13(A,c,c,e,s,s,C,o,n,t,r,o,l);
-    static const XMLCh AccessControlProvider[] =    UNICODE_LITERAL_21(A,c,c,e,s,s,C,o,n,t,r,o,l,P,r,o,v,i,d,e,r);
-    static const XMLCh caseInsensitiveOption[] =    UNICODE_LITERAL_1(i);
-    static const XMLCh Host[] =                     UNICODE_LITERAL_4(H,o,s,t);
-    static const XMLCh HostRegex[] =                UNICODE_LITERAL_9(H,o,s,t,R,e,g,e,x);
-    static const XMLCh htaccess[] =                 UNICODE_LITERAL_8(h,t,a,c,c,e,s,s);
-    static const XMLCh ignoreCase[] =               UNICODE_LITERAL_10(i,g,n,o,r,e,C,a,s,e);
-    static const XMLCh Path[] =                     UNICODE_LITERAL_4(P,a,t,h);
-    static const XMLCh PathRegex[] =                UNICODE_LITERAL_9(P,a,t,h,R,e,g,e,x);
-    static const XMLCh Query[] =                    UNICODE_LITERAL_5(Q,u,e,r,y);
-    static const XMLCh name[] =                     UNICODE_LITERAL_4(n,a,m,e);
-    static const XMLCh regex[] =                    UNICODE_LITERAL_5(r,e,g,e,x);
-    static const XMLCh _type[] =                    UNICODE_LITERAL_4(t,y,p,e);
-void SHIBSP_API shibsp::registerRequestMappers()
-    SPConfig& conf=SPConfig::getConfig();
-    conf.RequestMapperManager.registerFactory(XML_REQUEST_MAPPER, XMLRequestMapperFactory);
-    conf.RequestMapperManager.registerFactory(NATIVE_REQUEST_MAPPER, XMLRequestMapperFactory);
-void Override::loadACL(const DOMElement* e, Category& log)
-    try {
-        const DOMElement* acl = XMLHelper::getFirstChildElement(e,htaccess);
-        if (acl) {
-            log.info("building Apache htaccess AccessControl provider...");
-            m_acl.reset(SPConfig::getConfig().AccessControlManager.newPlugin(HT_ACCESS_CONTROL,acl));
-        }
-        else {
-            acl = XMLHelper::getFirstChildElement(e,_AccessControl);
-            if (acl) {
-                log.info("building XML-based AccessControl provider...");
-                m_acl.reset(SPConfig::getConfig().AccessControlManager.newPlugin(XML_ACCESS_CONTROL,acl));
-            }
-            else {
-                acl = XMLHelper::getFirstChildElement(e,AccessControlProvider);
-                if (acl) {
-                    string t(XMLHelper::getAttrString(acl, nullptr, _type));
-                    if (!t.empty()) {
-                        log.info("building AccessControl provider of type %s...", t.c_str());
-                        m_acl.reset(SPConfig::getConfig().AccessControlManager.newPlugin(t.c_str(), acl));
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        throw ConfigurationException("<AccessControlProvider> missing type attribute.");
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    catch (std::exception& ex) {
-        log.crit("exception building AccessControl provider: %s", ex.what());
-        m_acl.reset(new AccessControlDummy());
-    }
-Override::Override(bool unicodeAware, const DOMElement* e, Category& log, const Override* base)
-    : m_unicodeAware(unicodeAware)
-    // Load the property set.
-    load(e, nullptr, this);
-    setParent(base);
-    // Load any AccessControl provider.
-    loadACL(e, log);
-    // Handle nested Paths.
-    DOMElement* path = XMLHelper::getFirstChildElement(e, Path);
-    for (int i = 1; path; ++i, path = XMLHelper::getNextSiblingElement(path, Path)) {
-        const XMLCh* n = path->getAttributeNS(nullptr,name);
-        // Skip any leading slashes.
-        while (n && *n == chForwardSlash)
-            n++;
-        // Check for empty name.
-        if (!n || !*n) {
-            log.warn("skipping Path element (%d) with empty name attribute", i);
-            continue;
-        }
-        // Check for an embedded slash.
-        int slash = XMLString::indexOf(n, chForwardSlash);
-        if (slash > 0) {
-            // Copy the first path segment.
-            xstring namebuf;
-            for (int pos = 0; pos < slash; ++pos)
-                namebuf += n[pos];
-            // Move past the slash in the original pathname.
-            n = n + slash + 1;
-            // Skip any leading slashes again.
-            while (*n == chForwardSlash)
-                ++n;
-            if (*n) {
-                // Create a placeholder Path element for the first path segment and replant under it.
-                DOMElement* newpath = path->getOwnerDocument()->createElementNS(shibspconstants::SHIB2SPCONFIG_NS, Path);
-                newpath->setAttributeNS(nullptr, name, namebuf.c_str());
-                path->setAttributeNS(nullptr, name, n);
-                path->getParentNode()->replaceChild(newpath, path);
-                newpath->appendChild(path);
-                // Repoint our locals at the new parent.
-                path = newpath;
-                n = path->getAttributeNS(nullptr, name);
-            }
-            else {
-                // All we had was a pathname with trailing slash(es), so just reset it without them.
-                path->setAttributeNS(nullptr, name, namebuf.c_str());
-                n = path->getAttributeNS(nullptr, name);
-            }
-        }
-        char* dup = nullptr;
-        try {
-            boost::shared_ptr<Override> o(new Override(m_unicodeAware, path, log, this));
-            if (m_unicodeAware) {
-                dup = toUTF8(o->getXMLString("name").second, true /* use malloc */);
-            }
-            else {
-                dup = strdup(o->getString("name").second);
-                for (char* pch = dup; *pch; ++pch)
-                    *pch = tolower(*pch);
-            }
-            if (m_map.count(dup)) {
-                log.warn("skipping duplicate Path element (%s)", dup);
-            }
-            else {
-                m_map[dup] = o;
-                log.debug("added Path mapping (%s)", dup);
-            }
-            free(dup);
-        }
-        catch (std::exception&) {
-            free(dup);
-            throw;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!XMLString::equals(e->getLocalName(), PathRegex)) {
-        // Handle nested PathRegexs.
-        path = XMLHelper::getFirstChildElement(e, PathRegex);
-        for (int i = 1; path; ++i, path = XMLHelper::getNextSiblingElement(path, PathRegex)) {
-            const XMLCh* n = path->getAttributeNS(nullptr, regex);
-            if (!n || !*n) {
-                log.warn("skipping PathRegex element (%d) with empty regex attribute",i);
-                continue;
-            }
-            boost::shared_ptr<Override> o(new Override(m_unicodeAware, path, log, this));
-            bool caseSensitive;
-            if (path && path->hasAttributeNS(nullptr, ignoreCase)) {
-                // In this one case, we've left ignoreCase reversed (true means case sensitive, false means insensitive).
-                // This was to protect people who followed the security advisory for SSPCPP-691 and reversed their setting.
-                log.error("Deprecated ignoreCase attribute in PathRegex element will be interpreted backwards. Replace with caseSensitive");
-                caseSensitive = XMLHelper::getAttrBool(path, true, ignoreCase);
-            } else {
-                // If the old ignoreCase setting isn't set, then we just process normally.
-                caseSensitive = XMLHelper::getCaseSensitive(path, false);
-            }
-            try {
-                boost::shared_ptr<RegularExpression> re(new RegularExpression(n, caseSensitive ? &chNull : caseInsensitiveOption));
-                m_regexps.push_back(make_pair(re, o));
-            }
-            catch (XMLException& ex) {
-                auto_ptr_char tmp(ex.getMessage());
-                log.error("caught exception while parsing PathRegex regular expression (%d): %s", i, tmp.get());
-                throw ConfigurationException("Invalid regular expression in PathRegex element.");
-            }
-            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
-                log.debug("added <PathRegex> mapping (%s)", o->getString("regex").second);
-        }
-    }
-    // Handle nested Querys.
-    path = XMLHelper::getFirstChildElement(e, Query);
-    for (int i = 1; path; ++i, path = XMLHelper::getNextSiblingElement(path, Query)) {
-        const XMLCh* n = path->getAttributeNS(nullptr, name);
-        if (!n || !*n) {
-            log.warn("skipping Query element (%d) with empty name attribute",i);
-            continue;
-        }
-        auto_ptr_char ntemp(n);
-        const XMLCh* v = path->getAttributeNS(nullptr, regex);
-        try {
-            boost::shared_ptr<Override> o(new Override(m_unicodeAware, path, log, this));
-            boost::shared_ptr<RegularExpression> re((v && *v) ? new RegularExpression(v) : nullptr);
-            m_queries.push_back(boost::make_tuple(string(ntemp.get()), re, o));
-        }
-        catch (XMLException& ex) {
-            auto_ptr_char tmp(ex.getMessage());
-            log.error("caught exception while parsing Query regular expression (%d): %s", i, tmp.get());
-            throw ConfigurationException("Invalid regular expression in Query element.");
-        }
-        log.debug("added <Query> mapping (%s)", ntemp.get());
-    }
-const Override* Override::locate(const HTTPRequest& request) const
-    // This function is confusing because it's *not* recursive.
-    // The whole path is tokenized and mapped in a loop, so the
-    // path parameter starts with the entire request path and
-    // we can skip the leading slash as irrelevant.
-    const char* path = request.getRequestURI();
-    if (*path == '/')
-        path++;
-    // Now we copy the path, chop the query string, and possibly lower case it.
-    string dup(path);
-    string::size_type sep = dup.find('?');
-    if (sep != string::npos)
-        dup = dup.substr(0, sep);
-    if (!m_unicodeAware) {
-        to_lower(dup);
-    }
-    // Default is for the current object to provide settings.
-    const Override* o = this;
-    // Tokenize the path by segment and try and map each segment.
-    tokenizer< char_separator<char> > tokens(dup, char_separator<char>("/"));
-    for (tokenizer< char_separator<char> >::iterator token = tokens.begin(); token != tokens.end(); ++token) {
-        map< string,boost::shared_ptr<Override> >::const_iterator i = o->m_map.find(*token);
-        if (i == o->m_map.end())
-            break;  // Once there's no match, we've consumed as much of the path as possible here.
-        // We found a match, so reset the settings pointer.
-        o = i->second.get();
-        // We descended a step down the path, so we need to advance the original
-        // parameter for the regex step later.
-        path += token->length();
-        if (*path == '/')
-            path++;
-    }
-    // If there's anything left, we try for a regex match on the rest of the path minus the query string.
-    if (*path) {
-        string path2(path);
-        sep = path2.find('?');
-        if (sep != string::npos)
-            path2 = path2.substr(0, sep);
-        for (vector< pair< boost::shared_ptr<RegularExpression>,boost::shared_ptr<Override> > >::const_iterator re = o->m_regexps.begin(); re != o->m_regexps.end(); ++re) {
-            if (re->first->matches(path2.c_str())) {
-                o = re->second.get();
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Finally, check for query string matches. This is another "unrolled" recursive descent in a loop.
-    // To avoid consuming any POST data, we use a dedicated CGIParser.
-    if (!o->m_queries.empty()) {
-        bool descended;
-        CGIParser cgi(request, true);
-        do {
-            descended = false;
-            for (vector< boost::tuple< string,boost::shared_ptr<RegularExpression>,boost::shared_ptr<Override> > >::const_iterator q = o->m_queries.begin(); !descended && q != o->m_queries.end(); ++q) {
-                pair<CGIParser::walker,CGIParser::walker> vals = cgi.getParameters(q->get<0>().c_str());
-                if (vals.first != vals.second) {
-                    if (q->get<1>()) {
-                        // We have to match one of the values.
-                        while (vals.first != vals.second) {
-                            if (q->get<1>()->matches(vals.first->second)) {
-                                o = q->get<2>().get();
-                                descended = true;
-                                break;
-                            }
-                            ++vals.first;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        // The simple presence of the parameter is sufficient to match.
-                        o = q->get<2>().get();
-                        descended = true;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        } while (descended);
-    }
-    return o;
-XMLRequestMapperImpl::XMLRequestMapperImpl(const DOMElement* e, Category& log) : m_document(nullptr)
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-    xmltooling::NDC ndc("XMLRequestMapperImpl");
-    static const XMLCh _RequestMap[] =  UNICODE_LITERAL_10(R,e,q,u,e,s,t,M,a,p);
-    if (e && !XMLHelper::isNodeNamed(e, SHIB2SPCONFIG_NS, _RequestMap))
-        throw ConfigurationException("XML RequestMapper requires conf:RequestMap at root of configuration.");
-    // Load the property set.
-    load(e, nullptr, this);
-    // Inject "default" app ID if not explicit.
-    if (!getString("applicationId").first)
-        setProperty("applicationId", "default");
-    // Load any AccessControl provider.
-    loadACL(e, log);
-    pair<bool,bool> unicodeAware = getBool("unicodeAware");
-    m_unicodeAware = (unicodeAware.first && unicodeAware.second);
-    // Loop over the HostRegex elements.
-    const DOMElement* host = XMLHelper::getFirstChildElement(e, HostRegex);
-    for (int i = 1; host; ++i, host = XMLHelper::getNextSiblingElement(host, HostRegex)) {
-        const XMLCh* n = host->getAttributeNS(nullptr,regex);
-        if (!n || !*n) {
-            log.warn("Skipping HostRegex element (%d) with empty regex attribute", i);
-            continue;
-        }
-        boost::shared_ptr<Override> o(new Override(m_unicodeAware, host, log, this));
-        const bool caseSensitive = XMLHelper::getCaseSensitive(host, false);
-        try {
-            boost::shared_ptr<RegularExpression> re(
-                new RegularExpression(n, caseSensitive ? &chNull : caseInsensitiveOption)
-                );
-            m_regexps.push_back(make_pair(re, o));
-        }
-        catch (XMLException& ex) {
-            auto_ptr_char tmp(ex.getMessage());
-            log.error("caught exception while parsing HostRegex regular expression (%d): %s", i, tmp.get());
-        }
-        log.debug("Added <HostRegex> mapping for %s", m_regexps.back().second->getString("regex").second);
-    }
-    // Loop over the Host elements.
-    host = XMLHelper::getFirstChildElement(e, Host);
-    for (int i = 1; host; ++i, host = XMLHelper::getNextSiblingElement(host, Host)) {
-        const XMLCh* n=host->getAttributeNS(nullptr,name);
-        if (!n || !*n) {
-            log.warn("Skipping Host element (%d) with empty name attribute", i);
-            continue;
-        }
-        boost::shared_ptr<Override> o(new Override(m_unicodeAware, host, log, this));
-        pair<bool,const char*> name=o->getString("name");
-        pair<bool,const char*> scheme=o->getString("scheme");
-        pair<bool,const char*> port=o->getString("port");
-        string dup(name.first ? name.second : "");
-        to_lower(dup);
-        if (!scheme.first && port.first) {
-            // No scheme, but a port, so assume http.
-            scheme = pair<bool,const char*>(true,"http");
-        }
-        else if (scheme.first && !port.first) {
-            // Scheme, no port, so default it.
-            // XXX Use getservbyname instead?
-            port.first = true;
-            if (!strcmp(scheme.second,"http"))
-                port.second = "80";
-            else if (!strcmp(scheme.second,"https"))
-                port.second = "443";
-            else if (!strcmp(scheme.second,"ftp"))
-                port.second = "21";
-            else if (!strcmp(scheme.second,"ldap"))
-                port.second = "389";
-            else if (!strcmp(scheme.second,"ldaps"))
-                port.second = "636";
-        }
-        if (scheme.first) {
-            string url(scheme.second);
-            url=url + "://" + dup;
-            // Is this the default port?
-            if ((!strcmp(scheme.second,"http") && !strcmp(port.second,"80")) ||
-                (!strcmp(scheme.second,"https") && !strcmp(port.second,"443")) ||
-                (!strcmp(scheme.second,"ftp") && !strcmp(port.second,"21")) ||
-                (!strcmp(scheme.second,"ldap") && !strcmp(port.second,"389")) ||
-                (!strcmp(scheme.second,"ldaps") && !strcmp(port.second,"636"))) {
-                // First store a port-less version.
-                if (m_map.count(url)) {
-                    log.warn("Skipping duplicate Host element (%s)",url.c_str());
-                    continue;
-                }
-                m_map[url] = o;
-                log.debug("Added <Host> mapping for %s",url.c_str());
-                // Now append the port. The shared_ptr should refcount the Override to avoid double deletes.
-                url=url + ':' + port.second;
-                m_map[url] = o;
-                log.debug("Added <Host> mapping for %s",url.c_str());
-            }
-            else {
-                url=url + ':' + port.second;
-                if (m_map.count(url)) {
-                    log.warn("Skipping duplicate Host element (%s)",url.c_str());
-                    continue;
-                }
-                m_map[url] = o;
-                log.debug("Added <Host> mapping for %s",url.c_str());
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            // No scheme or port, so we enter dual hosts on http:80 and https:443
-            string url("http://");
-            url += dup;
-            if (m_map.count(url)) {
-                log.warn("Skipping duplicate Host element (%s)",url.c_str());
-                continue;
-            }
-            m_map[url] = o;
-            log.debug("Added <Host> mapping for %s",url.c_str());
-            url += ":80";
-            if (m_map.count(url)) {
-                log.warn("Skipping duplicate Host element (%s)",url.c_str());
-                continue;
-            }
-            m_map[url] = o;
-            log.debug("Added <Host> mapping for %s",url.c_str());
-            url = "https://" + dup;
-            if (m_map.count(url)) {
-                log.warn("Skipping duplicate Host element (%s)",url.c_str());
-                continue;
-            }
-            m_map[url] = o;
-            log.debug("Added <Host> mapping for %s",url.c_str());
-            url += ":443";
-            if (m_map.count(url)) {
-                log.warn("Skipping duplicate Host element (%s)",url.c_str());
-                continue;
-            }
-            m_map[url] = o;
-            log.debug("Added <Host> mapping for %s",url.c_str());
-        }
-    }
-const Override* XMLRequestMapperImpl::findOverride(const char* vhost, const HTTPRequest& request) const
-    const Override* o = nullptr;
-    map< string,boost::shared_ptr<Override> >::const_iterator i = m_map.find(vhost);
-    if (i != m_map.end())
-        o = i->second.get();
-    else {
-        for (vector< pair< boost::shared_ptr<RegularExpression>,boost::shared_ptr<Override> > >::const_iterator re = m_regexps.begin(); !o && re != m_regexps.end(); ++re) {
-            if (re->first->matches(vhost))
-                o=re->second.get();
-        }
-    }
-    return o ? o->locate(request) : this;
-pair<bool,DOMElement*> XMLRequestMapper::background_load()
-    // Load from source using base class.
-    pair<bool,DOMElement*> raw = ReloadableXMLFile::load();
-    // If we own it, wrap it.
-    XercesJanitor<DOMDocument> docjanitor(raw.first ? raw.second->getOwnerDocument() : nullptr);
-    scoped_ptr<XMLRequestMapperImpl> impl(new XMLRequestMapperImpl(raw.second, m_log));
-    // If we held the document, transfer it to the impl. If we didn't, it's a no-op.
-    impl->setDocument(docjanitor.release());
-    // Perform the swap inside a lock.
-    if (m_lock)
-        m_lock->wrlock();
-    SharedLock locker(m_lock, false);
-    m_impl.swap(impl);
-    return make_pair(false,(DOMElement*)nullptr);
-RequestMapper::Settings XMLRequestMapper::getSettings(const HTTPRequest& request) const
-    try {
-        string normalizedhost(request.getHostname());
-        to_lower(normalizedhost);
-        string vhost = string(request.getScheme()) + "://" + normalizedhost + ':' + lexical_cast<string>(request.getPort());
-        const Override* o = m_impl->findOverride(vhost.c_str(), request);
-        return Settings(o, o->getAC());
-    }
-    catch (XMLException& ex) {
-        auto_ptr_char tmp(ex.getMessage());
-        m_log.error("caught exception while locating content settings: %s", tmp.get());
-        throw ConfigurationException("XML-based RequestMapper failed to retrieve content settings.");
-    }
+ * Licensed to the University Corporation for Advanced Internet
+ * Development, Inc. (UCAID) under one or more contributor license
+ * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
+ * additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ *
+ * UCAID licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
+ * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+ * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * either express or implied. See the License for the specific
+ * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+/** XMLRequestMapper.cpp
+ *
+ * XML-based RequestMapper implementation.
+ */
+#include "internal.h"
+#include "exceptions.h"
+#include "AccessControl.h"
+#include "RequestMapper.h"
+#include "SPRequest.h"
+#include "util/CGIParser.h"
+#include "util/DOMPropertySet.h"
+#include "util/SPConstants.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
+#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
+#include <xmltooling/util/NDC.h>
+#include <xmltooling/util/ReloadableXMLFile.h>
+#include <xmltooling/util/Threads.h>
+#include <xmltooling/util/XMLHelper.h>
+#include <xercesc/util/XMLUniDefs.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/util/regx/RegularExpression.hpp>
+using shibspconstants::SHIB2SPCONFIG_NS;
+using namespace shibsp;
+using namespace xmltooling;
+using namespace boost;
+using namespace std;
+namespace shibsp {
+    // Blocks access when an ACL plugin fails to load.
+    class AccessControlDummy : public AccessControl
+    {
+    public:
+        Lockable* lock() {
+            return this;
+        }
+        void unlock() {}
+        aclresult_t authorized(const SPRequest& request, const Session* session) const {
+            return shib_acl_false;
+        }
+    };
+    class Override : public DOMPropertySet, public DOMNodeFilter
+    {
+    public:
+        Override(bool unicodeAware=false) : m_unicodeAware(unicodeAware) {}
+        Override(bool unicodeAware, const DOMElement* e, Category& log, const Override* base=nullptr);
+        ~Override() {}
+        // Provides filter to exclude special config elements.
+        short
+        FilterAction
+        acceptNode(const DOMNode* node) const {
+            return FILTER_REJECT;
+        }
+        const Override* locate(const HTTPRequest& request) const;
+        AccessControl* getAC() const { return (m_acl ? m_acl.get() : (getParent() ? dynamic_cast<const Override*>(getParent())->getAC() : nullptr)); }
+    protected:
+        void loadACL(const DOMElement* e, Category& log);
+        bool m_unicodeAware;
+        map< string,boost::shared_ptr<Override> > m_map;
+        vector< pair< boost::shared_ptr<RegularExpression>,boost::shared_ptr<Override> > > m_regexps;
+        vector< boost::tuple< string,boost::shared_ptr<RegularExpression>,boost::shared_ptr<Override> > > m_queries;
+    private:
+        scoped_ptr<AccessControl> m_acl;
+    };
+    class XMLRequestMapperImpl : public Override
+    {
+    public:
+        XMLRequestMapperImpl(const DOMElement* e, Category& log);
+        ~XMLRequestMapperImpl() {
+            if (m_document)
+                m_document->release();
+        }
+        void setDocument(DOMDocument* doc) {
+            m_document = doc;
+        }
+        const Override* findOverride(const char* vhost, const HTTPRequest& request) const;
+    private:
+        DOMDocument* m_document;
+    };
+#if defined (_MSC_VER)
+    #pragma warning( push )
+    #pragma warning( disable : 4250 )
+    class XMLRequestMapper : public RequestMapper, public ReloadableXMLFile
+    {
+    public:
+        XMLRequestMapper(const DOMElement* e) : ReloadableXMLFile(e,Category::getInstance(SHIBSP_LOGCAT ".RequestMapper")) {
+            background_load();
+        }
+        ~XMLRequestMapper() {
+            shutdown();
+        }
+        Settings getSettings(const HTTPRequest& request) const;
+    protected:
+        pair<bool,DOMElement*> background_load();
+    private:
+        scoped_ptr<XMLRequestMapperImpl> m_impl;
+    };
+#if defined (_MSC_VER)
+    #pragma warning( pop )
+    RequestMapper* SHIBSP_DLLLOCAL XMLRequestMapperFactory(const DOMElement* const & e)
+    {
+        return new XMLRequestMapper(e);
+    }
+    static const XMLCh _AccessControl[] =           UNICODE_LITERAL_13(A,c,c,e,s,s,C,o,n,t,r,o,l);
+    static const XMLCh AccessControlProvider[] =    UNICODE_LITERAL_21(A,c,c,e,s,s,C,o,n,t,r,o,l,P,r,o,v,i,d,e,r);
+    static const XMLCh caseInsensitiveOption[] =    UNICODE_LITERAL_1(i);
+    static const XMLCh Host[] =                     UNICODE_LITERAL_4(H,o,s,t);
+    static const XMLCh HostRegex[] =                UNICODE_LITERAL_9(H,o,s,t,R,e,g,e,x);
+    static const XMLCh htaccess[] =                 UNICODE_LITERAL_8(h,t,a,c,c,e,s,s);
+    static const XMLCh ignoreCase[] =               UNICODE_LITERAL_10(i,g,n,o,r,e,C,a,s,e);
+    static const XMLCh Path[] =                     UNICODE_LITERAL_4(P,a,t,h);
+    static const XMLCh PathRegex[] =                UNICODE_LITERAL_9(P,a,t,h,R,e,g,e,x);
+    static const XMLCh Query[] =                    UNICODE_LITERAL_5(Q,u,e,r,y);
+    static const XMLCh name[] =                     UNICODE_LITERAL_4(n,a,m,e);
+    static const XMLCh regex[] =                    UNICODE_LITERAL_5(r,e,g,e,x);
+    static const XMLCh _type[] =                    UNICODE_LITERAL_4(t,y,p,e);
+void SHIBSP_API shibsp::registerRequestMappers()
+    SPConfig& conf=SPConfig::getConfig();
+    conf.RequestMapperManager.registerFactory(XML_REQUEST_MAPPER, XMLRequestMapperFactory);
+    conf.RequestMapperManager.registerFactory(NATIVE_REQUEST_MAPPER, XMLRequestMapperFactory);
+void Override::loadACL(const DOMElement* e, Category& log)
+    try {
+        const DOMElement* acl = XMLHelper::getFirstChildElement(e,htaccess);
+        if (acl) {
+            log.info("building Apache htaccess AccessControl provider...");
+            m_acl.reset(SPConfig::getConfig().AccessControlManager.newPlugin(HT_ACCESS_CONTROL,acl));
+        }
+        else {
+            acl = XMLHelper::getFirstChildElement(e,_AccessControl);
+            if (acl) {
+                log.info("building XML-based AccessControl provider...");
+                m_acl.reset(SPConfig::getConfig().AccessControlManager.newPlugin(XML_ACCESS_CONTROL,acl));
+            }
+            else {
+                acl = XMLHelper::getFirstChildElement(e,AccessControlProvider);
+                if (acl) {
+                    string t(XMLHelper::getAttrString(acl, nullptr, _type));
+                    if (!t.empty()) {
+                        log.info("building AccessControl provider of type %s...", t.c_str());
+                        m_acl.reset(SPConfig::getConfig().AccessControlManager.newPlugin(t.c_str(), acl));
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        throw ConfigurationException("<AccessControlProvider> missing type attribute.");
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    catch (std::exception& ex) {
+        log.crit("exception building AccessControl provider: %s", ex.what());
+        m_acl.reset(new AccessControlDummy());
+    }
+Override::Override(bool unicodeAware, const DOMElement* e, Category& log, const Override* base)
+    : m_unicodeAware(unicodeAware)
+    // Load the property set.
+    load(e, nullptr, this);
+    setParent(base);
+    // Load any AccessControl provider.
+    loadACL(e, log);
+    // Handle nested Paths.
+    DOMElement* path = XMLHelper::getFirstChildElement(e, Path);
+    for (int i = 1; path; ++i, path = XMLHelper::getNextSiblingElement(path, Path)) {
+        const XMLCh* n = path->getAttributeNS(nullptr,name);
+        // Skip any leading slashes.
+        while (n && *n == chForwardSlash)
+            n++;
+        // Check for empty name.
+        if (!n || !*n) {
+            log.warn("skipping Path element (%d) with empty name attribute", i);
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Check for an embedded slash.
+        int slash = XMLString::indexOf(n, chForwardSlash);
+        if (slash > 0) {
+            // Copy the first path segment.
+            xstring namebuf;
+            for (int pos = 0; pos < slash; ++pos)
+                namebuf += n[pos];
+            // Move past the slash in the original pathname.
+            n = n + slash + 1;
+            // Skip any leading slashes again.
+            while (*n == chForwardSlash)
+                ++n;
+            if (*n) {
+                // Create a placeholder Path element for the first path segment and replant under it.
+                DOMElement* newpath = path->getOwnerDocument()->createElementNS(shibspconstants::SHIB2SPCONFIG_NS, Path);
+                newpath->setAttributeNS(nullptr, name, namebuf.c_str());
+                path->setAttributeNS(nullptr, name, n);
+                path->getParentNode()->replaceChild(newpath, path);
+                newpath->appendChild(path);
+                // Repoint our locals at the new parent.
+                path = newpath;
+                n = path->getAttributeNS(nullptr, name);
+            }
+            else {
+                // All we had was a pathname with trailing slash(es), so just reset it without them.
+                path->setAttributeNS(nullptr, name, namebuf.c_str());
+                n = path->getAttributeNS(nullptr, name);
+            }
+        }
+        char* dup = nullptr;
+        try {
+            boost::shared_ptr<Override> o(new Override(m_unicodeAware, path, log, this));
+            if (m_unicodeAware) {
+                dup = toUTF8(o->getXMLString("name").second, true /* use malloc */);
+            }
+            else {
+                dup = strdup(o->getString("name").second);
+                for (char* pch = dup; *pch; ++pch)
+                    *pch = tolower(*pch);
+            }
+            if (m_map.count(dup)) {
+                log.warn("skipping duplicate Path element (%s)", dup);
+            }
+            else {
+                m_map[dup] = o;
+                log.debug("added Path mapping (%s)", dup);
+            }
+            free(dup);
+        }
+        catch (std::exception&) {
+            free(dup);
+            throw;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!XMLString::equals(e->getLocalName(), PathRegex)) {
+        // Handle nested PathRegexs.
+        path = XMLHelper::getFirstChildElement(e, PathRegex);
+        for (int i = 1; path; ++i, path = XMLHelper::getNextSiblingElement(path, PathRegex)) {
+            const XMLCh* n = path->getAttributeNS(nullptr, regex);
+            if (!n || !*n) {
+                log.warn("skipping PathRegex element (%d) with empty regex attribute",i);
+                continue;
+            }
+            boost::shared_ptr<Override> o(new Override(m_unicodeAware, path, log, this));
+            bool caseSensitive;
+            if (path && path->hasAttributeNS(nullptr, ignoreCase)) {
+                // In this one case, we've left ignoreCase reversed (true means case sensitive, false means insensitive).
+                // This was to protect people who followed the security advisory for SSPCPP-691 and reversed their setting.
+                log.error("Deprecated ignoreCase attribute in PathRegex element will be interpreted backwards. Replace with caseSensitive");
+                caseSensitive = XMLHelper::getAttrBool(path, true, ignoreCase);
+            } else {
+                // If the old ignoreCase setting isn't set, then we just process normally.
+                caseSensitive = XMLHelper::getCaseSensitive(path, false);
+            }
+            try {
+                boost::shared_ptr<RegularExpression> re(new RegularExpression(n, caseSensitive ? &chNull : caseInsensitiveOption));
+                m_regexps.push_back(make_pair(re, o));
+            }
+            catch (XMLException& ex) {
+                auto_ptr_char tmp(ex.getMessage());
+                log.error("caught exception while parsing PathRegex regular expression (%d): %s", i, tmp.get());
+                throw ConfigurationException("Invalid regular expression in PathRegex element.");
+            }
+            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
+                log.debug("added <PathRegex> mapping (%s)", o->getString("regex").second);
+        }
+    }
+    // Handle nested Querys.
+    path = XMLHelper::getFirstChildElement(e, Query);
+    for (int i = 1; path; ++i, path = XMLHelper::getNextSiblingElement(path, Query)) {
+        const XMLCh* n = path->getAttributeNS(nullptr, name);
+        if (!n || !*n) {
+            log.warn("skipping Query element (%d) with empty name attribute",i);
+            continue;
+        }
+        auto_ptr_char ntemp(n);
+        const XMLCh* v = path->getAttributeNS(nullptr, regex);
+        try {
+            boost::shared_ptr<Override> o(new Override(m_unicodeAware, path, log, this));
+            boost::shared_ptr<RegularExpression> re((v && *v) ? new RegularExpression(v) : nullptr);
+            m_queries.push_back(boost::make_tuple(string(ntemp.get()), re, o));
+        }
+        catch (XMLException& ex) {
+            auto_ptr_char tmp(ex.getMessage());
+            log.error("caught exception while parsing Query regular expression (%d): %s", i, tmp.get());
+            throw ConfigurationException("Invalid regular expression in Query element.");
+        }
+        log.debug("added <Query> mapping (%s)", ntemp.get());
+    }
+const Override* Override::locate(const HTTPRequest& request) const
+    // This function is confusing because it's *not* recursive.
+    // The whole path is tokenized and mapped in a loop, so the
+    // path parameter starts with the entire request path and
+    // we can skip the leading slash as irrelevant.
+    const char* path = request.getRequestURI();
+    if (*path == '/')
+        path++;
+    // Now we copy the path, chop the query string, and possibly lower case it.
+    string dup(path);
+    string::size_type sep = dup.find('?');
+    if (sep != string::npos)
+        dup = dup.substr(0, sep);
+    if (!m_unicodeAware) {
+        to_lower(dup);
+    }
+    // Default is for the current object to provide settings.
+    const Override* o = this;
+    // Tokenize the path by segment and try and map each segment.
+    tokenizer< char_separator<char> > tokens(dup, char_separator<char>("/"));
+    for (tokenizer< char_separator<char> >::iterator token = tokens.begin(); token != tokens.end(); ++token) {
+        map< string,boost::shared_ptr<Override> >::const_iterator i = o->m_map.find(*token);
+        if (i == o->m_map.end())
+            break;  // Once there's no match, we've consumed as much of the path as possible here.
+        // We found a match, so reset the settings pointer.
+        o = i->second.get();
+        // We descended a step down the path, so we need to advance the original
+        // parameter for the regex step later.
+        path += token->length();
+        if (*path == '/')
+            path++;
+    }
+    // If there's anything left, we try for a regex match on the rest of the path minus the query string.
+    if (*path) {
+        string path2(path);
+        sep = path2.find('?');
+        if (sep != string::npos)
+            path2 = path2.substr(0, sep);
+        for (vector< pair< boost::shared_ptr<RegularExpression>,boost::shared_ptr<Override> > >::const_iterator re = o->m_regexps.begin(); re != o->m_regexps.end(); ++re) {
+            try {
+                if (re->first->matches(path2.c_str())) {
+                    o = re->second.get();
+                    break;
+                }
+            } catch (XMLException& ex) {
+                auto_ptr_char tmp(ex.getMessage());
+                throw ConfigurationException("Caught exception while matching PathRegex : $1", params(1, tmp.get()));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Finally, check for query string matches. This is another "unrolled" recursive descent in a loop.
+    // To avoid consuming any POST data, we use a dedicated CGIParser.
+    if (!o->m_queries.empty()) {
+        bool descended;
+        CGIParser cgi(request, true);
+        do {
+            descended = false;
+            for (vector< boost::tuple< string,boost::shared_ptr<RegularExpression>,boost::shared_ptr<Override> > >::const_iterator q = o->m_queries.begin(); !descended && q != o->m_queries.end(); ++q) {
+                pair<CGIParser::walker,CGIParser::walker> vals = cgi.getParameters(q->get<0>().c_str());
+                if (vals.first != vals.second) {
+                    if (q->get<1>()) {
+                        // We have to match one of the values.
+                        while (vals.first != vals.second) {
+                            try{
+                                if (q->get<1>()->matches(vals.first->second)) {
+                                    o = q->get<2>().get();
+                                    descended = true;
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            } catch (XMLException& ex) {
+                                auto_ptr_char tmp(ex.getMessage());
+                                throw ConfigurationException("Caught exception while matching Query regular expression : $1", params(1, tmp.get()));
+                            }
+                            ++vals.first;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        // The simple presence of the parameter is sufficient to match.
+                        o = q->get<2>().get();
+                        descended = true;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } while (descended);
+    }
+    return o;
+XMLRequestMapperImpl::XMLRequestMapperImpl(const DOMElement* e, Category& log) : m_document(nullptr)
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+    xmltooling::NDC ndc("XMLRequestMapperImpl");
+    static const XMLCh _RequestMap[] =  UNICODE_LITERAL_10(R,e,q,u,e,s,t,M,a,p);
+    if (e && !XMLHelper::isNodeNamed(e, SHIB2SPCONFIG_NS, _RequestMap))
+        throw ConfigurationException("XML RequestMapper requires conf:RequestMap at root of configuration.");
+    // Load the property set.
+    load(e, nullptr, this);
+    // Inject "default" app ID if not explicit.
+    if (!getString("applicationId").first)
+        setProperty("applicationId", "default");
+    // Load any AccessControl provider.
+    loadACL(e, log);
+    pair<bool,bool> unicodeAware = getBool("unicodeAware");
+    m_unicodeAware = (unicodeAware.first && unicodeAware.second);
+    // Loop over the HostRegex elements.
+    const DOMElement* host = XMLHelper::getFirstChildElement(e, HostRegex);
+    for (int i = 1; host; ++i, host = XMLHelper::getNextSiblingElement(host, HostRegex)) {
+        const XMLCh* n = host->getAttributeNS(nullptr,regex);
+        if (!n || !*n) {
+            log.warn("Skipping HostRegex element (%d) with empty regex attribute", i);
+            continue;
+        }
+        boost::shared_ptr<Override> o(new Override(m_unicodeAware, host, log, this));
+        const bool caseSensitive = XMLHelper::getCaseSensitive(host, false);
+        try {
+            boost::shared_ptr<RegularExpression> re(
+                new RegularExpression(n, caseSensitive ? &chNull : caseInsensitiveOption)
+                );
+            m_regexps.push_back(make_pair(re, o));
+        }
+        catch (XMLException& ex) {
+            auto_ptr_char tmp(ex.getMessage());
+            log.error("caught exception while parsing HostRegex regular expression (%d): %s", i, tmp.get());
+        }
+        log.debug("Added <HostRegex> mapping for %s", m_regexps.back().second->getString("regex").second);
+    }
+    // Loop over the Host elements.
+    host = XMLHelper::getFirstChildElement(e, Host);
+    for (int i = 1; host; ++i, host = XMLHelper::getNextSiblingElement(host, Host)) {
+        const XMLCh* n=host->getAttributeNS(nullptr,name);
+        if (!n || !*n) {
+            log.warn("Skipping Host element (%d) with empty name attribute", i);
+            continue;
+        }
+        boost::shared_ptr<Override> o(new Override(m_unicodeAware, host, log, this));
+        pair<bool,const char*> name=o->getString("name");
+        pair<bool,const char*> scheme=o->getString("scheme");
+        pair<bool,const char*> port=o->getString("port");
+        string dup(name.first ? name.second : "");
+        to_lower(dup);
+        if (!scheme.first && port.first) {
+            // No scheme, but a port, so assume http.
+            scheme = pair<bool,const char*>(true,"http");
+        }
+        else if (scheme.first && !port.first) {
+            // Scheme, no port, so default it.
+            // XXX Use getservbyname instead?
+            port.first = true;
+            if (!strcmp(scheme.second,"http"))
+                port.second = "80";
+            else if (!strcmp(scheme.second,"https"))
+                port.second = "443";
+            else if (!strcmp(scheme.second,"ftp"))
+                port.second = "21";
+            else if (!strcmp(scheme.second,"ldap"))
+                port.second = "389";
+            else if (!strcmp(scheme.second,"ldaps"))
+                port.second = "636";
+        }
+        if (scheme.first) {
+            string url(scheme.second);
+            url=url + "://" + dup;
+            // Is this the default port?
+            if ((!strcmp(scheme.second,"http") && !strcmp(port.second,"80")) ||
+                (!strcmp(scheme.second,"https") && !strcmp(port.second,"443")) ||
+                (!strcmp(scheme.second,"ftp") && !strcmp(port.second,"21")) ||
+                (!strcmp(scheme.second,"ldap") && !strcmp(port.second,"389")) ||
+                (!strcmp(scheme.second,"ldaps") && !strcmp(port.second,"636"))) {
+                // First store a port-less version.
+                if (m_map.count(url)) {
+                    log.warn("Skipping duplicate Host element (%s)",url.c_str());
+                    continue;
+                }
+                m_map[url] = o;
+                log.debug("Added <Host> mapping for %s",url.c_str());
+                // Now append the port. The shared_ptr should refcount the Override to avoid double deletes.
+                url=url + ':' + port.second;
+                m_map[url] = o;
+                log.debug("Added <Host> mapping for %s",url.c_str());
+            }
+            else {
+                url=url + ':' + port.second;
+                if (m_map.count(url)) {
+                    log.warn("Skipping duplicate Host element (%s)",url.c_str());
+                    continue;
+                }
+                m_map[url] = o;
+                log.debug("Added <Host> mapping for %s",url.c_str());
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            // No scheme or port, so we enter dual hosts on http:80 and https:443
+            string url("http://");
+            url += dup;
+            if (m_map.count(url)) {
+                log.warn("Skipping duplicate Host element (%s)",url.c_str());
+                continue;
+            }
+            m_map[url] = o;
+            log.debug("Added <Host> mapping for %s",url.c_str());
+            url += ":80";
+            if (m_map.count(url)) {
+                log.warn("Skipping duplicate Host element (%s)",url.c_str());
+                continue;
+            }
+            m_map[url] = o;
+            log.debug("Added <Host> mapping for %s",url.c_str());
+            url = "https://" + dup;
+            if (m_map.count(url)) {
+                log.warn("Skipping duplicate Host element (%s)",url.c_str());
+                continue;
+            }
+            m_map[url] = o;
+            log.debug("Added <Host> mapping for %s",url.c_str());
+            url += ":443";
+            if (m_map.count(url)) {
+                log.warn("Skipping duplicate Host element (%s)",url.c_str());
+                continue;
+            }
+            m_map[url] = o;
+            log.debug("Added <Host> mapping for %s",url.c_str());
+        }
+    }
+const Override* XMLRequestMapperImpl::findOverride(const char* vhost, const HTTPRequest& request) const
+    const Override* o = nullptr;
+    map< string,boost::shared_ptr<Override> >::const_iterator i = m_map.find(vhost);
+    if (i != m_map.end())
+        o = i->second.get();
+    else {
+        for (vector< pair< boost::shared_ptr<RegularExpression>,boost::shared_ptr<Override> > >::const_iterator re = m_regexps.begin(); !o && re != m_regexps.end(); ++re) {
+            try{
+                if (re->first->matches(vhost))
+                    o=re->second.get();
+            } catch (XMLException& ex) {
+                auto_ptr_char tmp(ex.getMessage());
+                throw ConfigurationException("Caught exception while matching HostRegex : $1", params(1, tmp.get()));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return o ? o->locate(request) : this;
+pair<bool,DOMElement*> XMLRequestMapper::background_load()
+    // Load from source using base class.
+    pair<bool,DOMElement*> raw = ReloadableXMLFile::load();
+    // If we own it, wrap it.
+    XercesJanitor<DOMDocument> docjanitor(raw.first ? raw.second->getOwnerDocument() : nullptr);
+    scoped_ptr<XMLRequestMapperImpl> impl(new XMLRequestMapperImpl(raw.second, m_log));
+    // If we held the document, transfer it to the impl. If we didn't, it's a no-op.
+    impl->setDocument(docjanitor.release());
+    // Perform the swap inside a lock.
+    if (m_lock)
+        m_lock->wrlock();
+    SharedLock locker(m_lock, false);
+    m_impl.swap(impl);
+    return make_pair(false,(DOMElement*)nullptr);
+RequestMapper::Settings XMLRequestMapper::getSettings(const HTTPRequest& request) const
+    try {
+        string normalizedhost(request.getHostname());
+        to_lower(normalizedhost);
+        string vhost = string(request.getScheme()) + "://" + normalizedhost + ':' + lexical_cast<string>(request.getPort());
+        const Override* o = m_impl->findOverride(vhost.c_str(), request);
+        return Settings(o, o->getAC());
+    }
+    catch (XMLException& ex) {
+        auto_ptr_char tmp(ex.getMessage());
+        m_log.error("caught exception while locating content settings: %s", tmp.get());
+        throw ConfigurationException("XML-based RequestMapper failed to retrieve content settings.");
+    }

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-shibboleth/shibboleth-sp2.git

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