Transitioning to SP3

Etienne Dysli Metref etienne.dysli-metref at
Mon Jul 30 07:12:33 BST 2018

On 28/07/18 15:40, Ferenc Wágner wrote:
> 1. Some current package (and repository) names contain version numbers:
>    opensaml2, shibboleth-sp2 and their binaries.  Shall we
>    a) drop the number,
>    b) bump it to 3, or
>    c) leave it alone?
>    Option a) seems the cleanest but brings in transitional packages,
>    option c) does not require any extra work but brings in confusion.

I would favour cleaning up the names with option a). Option b) would
require transitional packages as well wouldn't it?

> 2. Given that the stack has already been removed from testing, do we
>    have to perform a formal transition and stage in experimental, or is
>    it okay to upload the new versions to unstable one after the other?

I don't feel familiar enough with "the Debian way" to answer that.


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