[Pkg-sugar-devel] Bug#783890: Solution for conflicting svg file

Martin Abente martin.abente.lahaye at gmail.com
Thu May 21 19:23:59 UTC 2015

By having  the application-x-squeak-project.svg file in ./activity/
directory, the "setup.py install" step will create a symlink to that file
in /usr/share/icons/sugar/scalable/mimetypes/, in order to install that
file as the icon for a custom mime type declared in ./activty/activity.info.

That same mime type icon is already provided by sugar-artwork
(sugar-icon-theme), so there is no need for Etoys to provide this icon. I
have contacted the upstream maintainer, but for the time being I recommend
to remove the icon with a patch in debian/patches. I have attached to this
reply the patch for
https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-sugar/sugar-etoys-activity.git/ to do
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