[Pkg-sugar-devel] Patch for Browse package
Tony Anderson
tony_anderson at usa.net
Fri Apr 21 05:57:56 UTC 2017
Why does debian care about the activity version number? Is their system
even aware of activity/activity.info?
Since Browse is an activity, how does it get involved with pristine? If
Browse were to be corrupted or erased, it can be
downloaded and installed from ASLO. Granted, if Browse is the only
browse in town - this could be a bit tricky. However,
the nearest internet cafe could handle downloading it to a usb stick.
On 04/21/2017 01:48 PM, James Cameron wrote:
> Thanks!
> History is that Sam's release of Browse-200 omitted collabwrapper,
> Jonas added most of it, but the __init__.py file was missed.
> Your version number change isn't right, and that may stop your next
> steps. 200+20170421-1 implies (to me anyway) that the package is of
> Browse-200 plus whatever is in sugar-browse-activity git to this date,
> and when you try to build a pristine-tar will be needed ... and if you
> get over that hurdle, the patch isn't needed in the upstream-git and
> you'll end up with a failure to apply the patch.
> You can do better in one of two ways; either;
> 1. use a debian version number of 200+20161203-2, or;
> 2. bring all changes into the package by using the upstream-git
> method [1], and remove your 2002_collabwrapper_init.patch and the
> prior 2001_collabwrapper.patch,
> (the problem hasn't delayed me, as i'm using a derivative package with
> collabwrapper included.)
> References
> [1]
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-sugar/sugar-write-activity.git/commit/?id=d2f16474a8fef391fadd25dab33d6e04f509d33a
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