[Pkg-sugar-devel] Bug#790158: Bug#790158: Upstream comment

Jonas Smedegaard jonas at jones.dk
Mon Oct 16 10:05:00 UTC 2017

Quoting James Cameron (2017-10-16 11:30:55)
> On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 10:20:16AM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > Quoting James Cameron (2017-10-16 07:03:24)
> > > Upstream could bring python-rsvg source into the code base; would that 
> > > be okay?
> > 
> > No.
> > 
> > The team in Debian familiar with librsvg decides that its end of life is 
> > reached.  I will not be comfortable with sidestepping that decision by 
> > essentially taking over maintenance with Sugarlabs as new upstream!
> Okay.
> Actually, librsvg2 isn't end of life, but gnome-python-desktop is; a 
> strange place for the binding, but hey, it's what we have.

Right I was sloppy above. More accurately python-rsvg is deprecated - 
exactly as is the subject of this bugreport says (and inherently the 
subject of of this email thread until you renamed it).

> The binding is really tiny.
> wc --lines ...
>   135 rsvg.defs
>    35 rsvgmodule.c
>   229 rsvg.override

Size is not really the issue.  Issue is maintenance.

If you step up as upstream maintainer of python-rsvg then I will 
consider packaging that for Debian.  As an independent project.

> Or fork to run librsvg2-bin /usr/bin/rsvg-convert

Yes, that is indeed another option.

>>> Porting from python-rsvg to gir1.2-rsvg-2.0 would also require 
>>> porting to GTK+ 2 GObject introspection.  This would break 
>>> compatibility with downloaded Sugar activities.
>> GTK+ 2.x is on its way out.  And _that_ is really what breaks 
>> activities depending on GTK+ 2.x.
>> Activities using GTK+ 2.x is expected to stop working with Debian 
>> relatively soon.
> Okay.  For Buster or later?

Again I was sloppy.  Arguably I failed at being helpful in my response: 
The original bugreport summarizes accurately the state of affairs.

Also, bugreporter offers help clarifying any questions.  Please try ask 
about the _original_ bugreport not my sloppy commenting on it, however.

I believe your question, if asked more narrowly for the original 
bugreport, is already answered in that original bugreport: Buster!

>> I don't see any other (realistic) option than porting to modern stuff 
>> like GTK+ 3.x and gir.
> Agreed.  I've heard that hundreds of programs are affected, but they
> aren't in Debian, so not our problem here.
> I've checked Sid dependencies, to predict next steps, described below;
> have I understood consequences correctly?
> Debian will remove src:sugar-toolkit and python-sugar-toolkit, which
> will cascade to;
> - remove the python-sugar-toolkit recommends in package sucrose,

Yes, or just lower to only suggest.

> - remove gtk2-engines-sugar from src:sugar-artwork, and the recommends
>   in package sucrose,
> - remove package sugar-presence-service, (python-sugar-toolkit held
>   the last dependency),
> - remove or package new upstream releases for
>   sugar-{poll,physics,irc}-activity
> - remove or wait for new upstream release for
>   sugar-jigsawpuzzle-activity, logged upstream as
>   https://github.com/sugarlabs/jigsaw-puzzle-branch/issues/1

Seems right.

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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