csync2 socket and service file

Dhionel Díaz ddiaz at cenditel.gob.ve
Mon Dec 7 15:51:07 GMT 2015

El 07/12/15 a las 08:22, Felipe Sateler escribió:
> Hi Dhionel,
> On 6 December 2015 at 21:14, Dhionel Díaz <ddiaz at cenditel.gob.ve> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Following the directions in https://wiki.debian.org/systemd/HowToHelp
>> I've attached files that can be used to make csync2 a socket activated
>> service and avoid the use of inetd, they are based on the ones published
>> in
>> https://github.com/mk-fg/fg_exheres/tree/master/packages/sys-apps/csync2/files/systemd.
>> The configuration has been tested in a four node cluster.
> Excellent! Let's see this:
>> I'll be awaiting your review.
> csync2.socket
>> [Socket]
>> ListenStream = 30865
> Please don't use spaces around the '=' sign. This currently works, but
> is not part of the spec and may stop working in the future. Moreover,
> some debian tools do not handle this well. This applies to both files.
>> Accept = true
>> [Install]
>> WantedBy = sockets.target
> This should also have a description in a [Unit] section. Other than
> that, looks good.

Point taken, thanks for the review.

> csync2 at .service
>> [Unit]
>> Description = csyn2 asynchronous file synchronization
>> [Service]
>> User = csync2
>> Group = csync2
> The current package does not appear to create its own csync2 user, and
> runs it as root under inetd. I don't know which is appropriate.

I've also prepared a patch to create the system user, as root privileges
are not needed for the synchronization process when the files involved
are kept writable by the system user. In any case I'm sure there will be
an interesting discussion with the csync2 maintainers about this.

>> ExecStart = -/usr/sbin/csync2 -i
>> StandardInput = socket
>> StandardOutput = socket
> The StandardOutput line should not be needed, as it is inherited from
> StandardInput.

In the systemd.exec man page included in jessie is explained that the
default value for StandardOutput ends up being 'journal'. ¿That
behaviour has been changed?

Dhionel Díaz
Centro Nacional de Desarrollo e Investigación en Tecnologías Libres
Ministerio del Poder Popular para
Educación Universitaria, Ciencia y Tecnología

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