Bug#618862: systemd: ignores keyscript in crypttab

Marcello Barnaba vjt at openssl.it
Fri Oct 16 17:20:01 BST 2015

>> Workaround: add "luks=no" to the kernel command line to disable systemd's generator: http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-cryptsetup-generator.html

> Does this work for encrypted root as well?  Or is it only for things like swap and /home that can wait until after switching out of initramdisk?
> If it works for encrypted root, this is genuinely good news!

Yes. I'm using passdev in initramfs at the scripts/local-top
stage as per cryptsetup docs to mount an encrypted root,
unlocking it via a keyfile located on an USB key.


  # dev source keyfile opts
  root /dev/sda2 /dev/disk/by-label/keys:/rootkey luks,keyscript=passdev

Then, update-initramfs -u

/dev/sda2 set up using cryptsetup luksFormat. No LVM.
Working on current Kali Linux, based on Jessie/sid.
Sorry I don't have version numbers at hand.


~ vjt at openssl.it
~ http://sindro.me/

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