Bug#845480: /bin/ps depends on /usr/lib/... which makes the system unbootable

Martin Pitt mpitt at debian.org
Tue Nov 29 21:36:22 GMT 2016

Hello Christian,

Cristian Ionescu-Idbohrn [2016-11-29 22:16 +0100]:
> Eversince systemd came about into debian, you've shown direct or
> indirect disrespect, IMO, to people objecting against screwing up
> their systems, where they want to keep sysv instead of adopting
> systemd world domination.

The root issue here is not about the init system, but how initramfses
and separate partitions play together. Separate /usr without an initrd
has always been slightly broken, and it is simply not realistic to
assume that every corner case which once worked for someone can be
indefinitively be "supported". Combinatorial explosion and all.

So, the set of what can be supported is certainly debatable, but as
history has shown it neither makes sense to support this use case nor
did anyone manage to actually do it. Hence the "wontfix".

Also, *if* you want to make this about systemd vs. SysV again:
Pleeease step up and maintain SysV init. For all those vocal people
who lobbied for it there has been remarkably little action to show for
it (read: zero):


Note that the last maintainer upload was two years ago, the rest were
some "life support" NMUs, most/all of them from the systemd

> Arguably, a comment like this:
> > [1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=836362#29
> is somewhat over the edge.  Still, it shows the top of the iceberg,
> IMO.  There's a non-ignorable minority who _still_ don't see systemd
> as progress and are not willing to adopt it.  What is really your
> personal mission, I wonder?

Are you sure that this is the right bug? #836362 has absolutely
*nothing* to do with anything here.

> Now, what I hope for is that you will show more respect in your
> comments for those who have not yet "seen the light" [...]

Pretty please: We all do this voluntarily. Tossing in comments like
this will *not* help to raise attention if/once you come up with a
legit problem.


Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)

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