Bug#884595: kernel recognizes keyboards and mice as joysticks

Stephen Kitt skitt at debian.org
Tue Dec 19 19:26:34 GMT 2017

On Mon, 18 Dec 2017 23:15:02 +0100, Markus Koschany <apo at debian.org> wrote:
> Am 18.12.2017 um 22:59 schrieb Stephen Kitt:
> > On Mon, 18 Dec 2017 17:55:21 +0100, Markus Koschany <apo at debian.org>
> > wrote:  
> >> Preliminary work is already available at:
> >>
> >> https://github.com/denilsonsa/udev-joystick-blacklist
> >>
> >> If the udev maintainers don't want to create and maintain such a
> >> blacklist, then please mark this bug report as "wontfix" accordingly.
> >> Please don't reassign it back to affected games and applications.
> >> Whether I or someone else wants to provide a patch should not be the
> >> criterion for bug assignment.  
> > 
> > ... and the joystick package includes the blacklist linked above.
> > Installing that should fix many of this issues.
> Alas the joystick package is only optional while udev is priority
> important. It is rather unlikely that someone will have it installed
> already. The issue is that those people would not even think about a
> joystick, they just assume the game/application is broken. It's rather
> strange to recommend the installation of joystick when you want to play
> a game without one. This issue should be solved in packages which are
> guaranteed to be installed on a default desktop computer like udev.

I’m not claiming it’s the perfect solution, I’m just saying it’s one way for
users affected by this to fix it (note I didn’t close the bug). The fix is
available in stable right now, they don’t have to wait for a putative future
ideal fix. (I think this should be fixed in the kernel, and I know some
people working on it...)


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