[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Re: Should we warn our users of the current breakage in unstable, and how to repair it?

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Fri Sep 8 14:12:47 UTC 2006

[Petter Reinholdtsen]
> I have no idea how to repair it.  Yes, we should include such info
> in the annoucement.

We can create a list of packages uploaded between the broken sysvinit
package and the fixed sysvinit package, and create a script to check
if any of the problematic versions are present and reinstall these.

A quick look in my mail box for 'Accepted'-messages show that there
now have been 144 unique source packages uploaded since sysvinit
2.86.ds1-16 was uploaded.  I suspect only a fraction of them have
init.d scripts.

I started on a NEWS entry, it is commited to svn.  It look like this
at the moment:

sysvinit (2.86.ds1-18) unstable; urgency=low

  In version 2.86.ds1-16 of the sysv-rc package released 2006-09-06,
  the update-rc.d script was broken in such a way that it every time
  it was used to update symlinks would remove all symlinks for a
  init.d script if such symlinks existed, and add them if such
  symlinks were missing.  This broke all packages being upgraded after
  the new version was installed as their init.d scripts are no longer
  executed.  This problem was fixed in version 2.86.ds1-18, but the
  broken packages will stay broken until their postinst scripts are
  executed again.

  Those with packages being broken from this bug can fix it by using
  'apt-get --reinstall' on the affected packages.

 -- Petter Reinholdtsen <pere at debian.org>  Thu,  8 Sep 2006 15:40:50 +0200

This is the list of uploaded packages so far:

  abook adesklets aircrack-ng apt-mirror aspell6.pt bazaar bchunk
  bind9 bitpim bobcat boot br.ispell calendar cdrkit cdrskin cernlib
  clamav-data cl-launch clucene-core cluster cmucl commit-tool
  console-common cuetools dbus dcraw debdelta debianutils denyhosts
  dia-newcanvas dmenu duplicity dwm efi-reader eiciel ekg2 elserv
  enigma entity expat extlib fetchmail fontconfig gcl gclcvs ggz-utils
  gimp-dcraw glark glimpse glpk-shlib gmetadom gnomebaker gnome-hearts
  gnome-pkg-tools gnome-python gnome-vfs2 gnumed-client gnump3d
  gtk+2.0 honeyd hyperestraier ifeffit ikiwiki insserv jabref
  java-gcj-compat k3b kdesvn kernel-package keyboards-rg koules
  libbonobo libcatalyst-modules-perl libextractor
  libfile-copy-recursive-perl libgd-graph-perl libgphoto2 libgtop2
  libksba libnet-nbname-perl libpam-mount libselinux libsemanage
  libsepol libtext-wikiformat-perl lighttpd linm linux-kernel-headers
  linuxlogo lm-sensors lostirc madman makedev modxslt moreutils msort
  nis openser pango1.0 partman-auto paw piuparts poker-engine
  poker-network policycoreutils postgresql-ocaml powersave powertweak
  python-setuptools qgis quadprog quota refpolicy renattach reportbug
  sbcl serpentine sgt-puzzles shared-mime-info slime steam
  sylpheed-claws-gtk2 sylpheed-claws-gtk2-extra-plugins syslinux
  sysvinit sysv-rc-conf taskjuggler tla-buildpackage totem tseries
  tuxmath uae udev ulex user-setup vnc4 wireshark xemeraldia xen-3.0
  xen-unstable xgalaga xstow xstr zsh-beta

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