[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Bug#677097: I know what the problem is, don't know the solution

Alan Chandler alan at chandlerfamily.org.uk
Thu Jun 21 18:18:09 UTC 2012

I found the problem.  Its in /etc/init.d/mountall.sh

This script calls the mount-functions.sh script in /lib/init

One of the things it does is attempt to mount /run as a tmpfs and just 
after that the udev messages I already showed started happening

The key to this was in the boot log output where I have verbose set to 
"YES" and the line it output was

Thu Jun 21 18:12:43 2012: [....] Files under mount point '/run' will be 

I tried commenting out the actual mount of /run but it meant that even 
in recovery mode I had no keyboard, and hotpluging it in and out didn't 
restore it. I had to use a rescue disk to recover the system.  However 
when I did comment it out, these messages from udevd stopped.

Alan Chandler

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