[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Bug#701936: btrfs can't fsck /run/rootdev on boot

Daniel Baumann daniel.baumann at progress-technologies.net
Wed Mar 6 20:16:01 UTC 2013

On 03/06/2013 09:05 PM, Roger Leigh wrote:
> 1) checkroot.sh creates an invalid /run/rootdev

afaic, this is the only "real" problem.

> 2) fsck.btrfs fails to fsck a mounted filesystem
> fsck.btrfs won't check a mounted filesystem, even if mounted
> read-only.  We need to be able to do this, since we are running
> fsck from the rootfs.  We do this for all other filesystem types.

the common workaround that e.g. other distributions do is to do this in
initramfs. probably debian should do that for all filesystems in future too.

> 3) fsck.btrfs does not support the standard fsck options

easy fixable, but hasn't much to do with the current remaining problem
in sid.

> 4) fsck.btrfs error codes
> I haven't tested this due to point (2) above

me neither, but that's easy fixable too and hasn't much to do with the
current remaining problem in sid.

> • systems with a btrfs root filesystem are currently *unbootable*
>   without using "fastboot" to skip fsck

*iff* sysvinit is used.

> • even if the checkroot script is "fixed", fsck.btrfs remains
>   broken and all the unbootable systems remain unbootable

the current package works fine on systems with systemd (not yet fixed
points 3 and 4 from above are not breaking it).

> I would recommend that this be immediately reverted in unstable.

i disagree.

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Donnerbuehlweg 3, CH-3012 Bern
Email:          daniel.baumann at progress-technologies.net
Internet:       http://people.progress-technologies.net/~daniel.baumann/

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