[Pkg-tcltk-devel] Bug#440683: tcl8.4 strtod + fixstrtod confusion leads to symbol clash

Sergei Golovan sgolovan at nes.ru
Wed Sep 19 13:45:09 UTC 2007

On 9/19/07, Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> The other ingredient was the problem reported in #440689.  I suspect
> you may be able to reproduce the `configure' results by simulating the
> conditions for #440689.

I'm afraid that to simulate -m64 gcc option I should install Ubuntu
(gcc in Debian doesn't support -m64).

Have you tried to build a new 8.4.15-2 where --enable-64bits option is
removed from configure call? If it works for you I'll close this bug.

Sergei Golovan

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