[Pkg-tigervnc-devel] pkg-tigervnc.git - debian/1.4.90-1 (annotated tag) created: debian/1.4.90-1
Yaroslav Halchenko
yoh at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jul 13 19:25:48 UTC 2015
The annotated tag, debian/1.4.90-1 has been created
at 27fa089ccc6a7911fe7ff992f4bf20c1372fc665 (tag)
tagging 7ab6b9814f40a4da2f309c302654691d5012f313 (commit)
replaces upstream/1.4.90
tagged by Yaroslav Halchenko
on Mon Jul 13 12:45:40 2015 -0400
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
tigervnc Debian release 1.4.90-1
Version: GnuPG v1
Joachim Falk (84):
Initial commit for pkg-tigervnc
Initil import of xorg-server and tigervnc subprojects
Added debian control dir from tigervnc-1.1.0 deb
Added missing cdbs built dependency
Updated debian changelog
Need DEB_BUILDDIR assignment before include of cmake.mk to be picked up correctly
Added fetch-subprojects.sh
Added FIXME to automatically pull xorg build flags from xorg debian package!
Call xorg patch system from our rules
Added RH patches. These still need to be ported to vnc 1.1.90
Implement whole patch dance to integarate xorg tree into vnc tree.
Trigger needed autoreconf for xorg tree. And reverse it in clean target.
Xvnc compile fixes finished
More built fixes. Now use external fltk and zlib
Fixup DEB_BUILDDIR override problem
Split server into more packages
Added debian/.gitignore
Some control file update
Updated to tigervnc 1.2.0
Try to fix format string problems in tigervnc.
Bumb debian version
Added support vars for get-orig-source and changed pkg version
On the way to 3.0 (quilt) source format
Build autogenerated sources fb.h pixman.h fbrop.h in builddir
Make no backup files for patches to enable clean unapply without .orig files remaining
Moved xorg-autoreconf.sh and xserver.patch symlink into debian dir
Create stampdir before patch Xorg tree.
Add patch: 0002-xorg-fix-compilation-with-werror-int-to-pointer-cast.patch
Added tigervnc to .gitmodules
Implement get-orig-source
Compled target get-orig-source
Switched to xorg-server used in debian unstable
Updated get-orig-source to get pristine-tar info for xorg-server from pkg-tigervnc git.
Added missing cmake, pristine-tar, libjpeg-dev build dependencies
Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/squeeze-backport'
Removed unneeded fltk build dependency
Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/squeeze-backport'
Added forgotten file 0150-enable-disabling-of-bundled-zlib-and-fltk.patch
Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/squeeze-backport'
Improved reverse-patches-deautoreconf target in debian/rules
Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/squeeze-backport'
Added patches for TigerVNC 1.2.0 from archlinux
Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/squeeze-backport'
Switched debian/xserver.patch to use patch for xorg 110
Updated build dependencies in debian/control to conform to the xorg-server used in debian unstable
Droped patches that got accepted by Xorg 1.12 upstream
Fix spelling error in manpage to shutup-lintian
Fix spelling error in xorg server to shutup lintian
Add homepage field to control to shutup lintian
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/squeeze-backport'
Fix copyright file to shutup lintian
Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/squeeze-backport' into flups
Fix standards in debian/control to be uptodate for squeeze
Added use --single-debian-patch for dpkg-source
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/squeeze-backport' into flups
Added LDFLAGS required for hardening
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/squeeze-backport' into HEAD
CPPFLAGS must be merged in CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS for cmake, Added FORTITFY hardening define
Merge remote branch 'remotes/origin/squeeze-backport' into flups
Fixup patch 0003-xorg-fix-spelling-error-to-shutup-lintian.patch for xorg 1.7.7
Ported over patch for tcpwrappers support from TigerVNC 1.0.90
Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/squeeze-backport' into flups
Revert "Fixup patch 0003-xorg-fix-spelling-error-to-shutup-lintian.patch for xorg 1.7.7"
Make cmake enable options mandatory if turned on
Turn on GnuTLS, PAM, and i18n support via gettext
Merge remote branch 'origin/squeeze-backport' into flups
Revert "Bump standards version to 3.9.3."
Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/squeeze-backport' into flups
Bump standards version to 3.9.3
Fixup Xvnc version string
Merge remote branch 'origin/squeeze-backport' into flups
Updated xorg-server to 2:1.12.4-5
Rename package to tigervnc-1.2.0+X1.12.4-1
Support new git wich uses a .git file for submodules instead of .git directory
Switched to using --create-empty-orig instead of empty pristine-tar
Updated dependencies from new xorg server control into our control
Fixed wrong description of tigervnc_<tigervnc-version>+X<xorg-version>.orig.tar.gz in README.source
Update debian/changelog
Merge branch 'upstream'
First try at 1.4.1 version
Updated /usr/bin/tigervncserver script to support newer options of unix/vncserver script
Added forgotten Xvnc alternative to the registered alternatives
Merge branch 'upstream'
Added forgotten debian/changelog entries
Mike Gabriel (17):
Add Mike Gabriel <mike.gabriel at das-netzwerkteam.de> to uploaders.
Add libxft-dev as build-dependency.
Add libxcursor-dev as build-dependency.
changelog cleanup
Fix lintian issue: maintainer-also-in-uploaders.
Fix lintian issue: missing-build-dependency-for-dh_-command dh_autoreconf => dh-autoreconf.
Bump standards version to 3.9.3.
Fix Vcs-Git: and Vcs-Browser: in /debian/control.
Build-depend on debhelper (>= 8).
adapt paths in debian/rules to meet requirements of new way of retrieving tigervnc
tigervnc-common: split up dh_install into install, manpages and docs.
Other binary packages: handle manpages by dh_manpages.
prepare xorg-server part of copyright file, TODO: tigervnc part of copyright file
further improve copyright file
Move README.txt to debian/README.source (cf. Debian policy 4.14).
Add message to git-merge operation in Debian rule get-orig-source
get-orig-source: avoid using git checkout
Yaroslav Halchenko (39):
just a tiny typo in README.source
debian/copyright: Fixed "Format" field for DEP5, Slight tune ups for MIT/X11 license keywords
debian/gbp.conf: added 'submodules = True' so git-buildpackage works out-of-the-git-tree
debian/control: added myself to uploaders
Follow the convention of alternatives introduced in xvnc4viewer, xtightvncviewer: xvncviewer is a slave of vncviewer alternative
Few more copyright/license statements
Added libfltk1.3 to build-dependencies (so we build against system-wide, not internal copy on sid/wheezy)
Revert "Added libfltk1.3 to build-dependencies (so we build against system-wide, not internal copy on sid/wheezy)"
brief description of fltk and zlib shipped copies
zlib license/copyright terms into debian/copyright
Let's target upload to unstable
Build using xorg-server-source binary package, not xorg-server git submodule
dropping few patches which are no longer needed (typos, showing config files in xorg debian/rules)
Initial unfinished changes to use stock tigervnc patch and xserver sources tarball
removing tigervnc and xorg submodules
Merge branch 'upstream' into enh/xorg-server-source
updates for tigervnc 1.3.0 and removing use of submodules
debian/gbp.conf - filter out contrib/packages which now carries copies of xorg-server
use pristine-tar
Merge tag '1.3.1'
Imported packaging changes from Matthias Klosse (made for ubuntu)
adding a debian/watch file
make sure upstream sources tagged consistently
debian/rules - adjust for configure_flags.mk shipped in Debian xorg 2:1.16.0-2
Closes statement
changelog/copyright -- preparing for upload
debian/control - build-depend on versioned libgnutls28-dev due to conflicts (see #731175)
filter out the entire contrib while importing pristine-tar
Merge tag 'upstream/1.3.1'
debian/patches/up_xserver116.patch - generate unix/xserver116.patch compatible with xserver-xorg 1.16 based on xserver114.patch
added libepoxy-dev and also moved back to UNRELEASED for now (xserver116 patch I guess needs more thought)
disable xwayland support
Merge tag 'upstream/1.4.90'
changelog + use patch117, remove obsolete unused custom patch
debian/patchdir - few patches dropped and some updated
Updated more of patches
update 0200-add-tcpwrappers-support.patch for supporting multiple listeners
Fixed up patch for tcpwrappers-support (multiple listeners now)
debian/control - require fltk >= 1.3.3
pkg-tigervnc.git (Git repository for pkg-tigervnc)
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