[Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#606268: Workaround

Filipus Klutiero chealer at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 17:50:32 UTC 2012

I just reinstalled Debian and for the first time did it via my wireless 
network (with WPA encryption), without even requiring non-free firmware. 
It was disappointing after that to discover that using wireless during 
the install was what caused network-manager not to manage my wireless 
card, after the installation :-/

I read the README and also tried managed=true to workaround, but that 
didn't do it for me. NetworkManager would show my wireless card as 
"Unavailable"... whatever that means. It reluctantly gave as only reason 
for that state that the device was now managed...
d-i added this stanza to /etc/network/interfaces for my wireless card:

> # The primary network interface
> allow-hotplug wlan0
> iface wlan0 inet dhcp
>     wpa-ssid 1391
>     wpa-psk  openssh5.1p1

Commenting the allow-hotplug line managed to work around. It seems that 
wlan0 was up when network-manager started, and this caused it not to 
consider wlan0. After bringing wlan0 down and restarting 
network-manager, NetworkManager could control wlan0.

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