[Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#606268: Bug#606268: Workaround

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Wed Apr 4 20:48:33 UTC 2012

On 04.04.2012 19:50, Filipus Klutiero wrote:
> I just reinstalled Debian and for the first time did it via my wireless 
> network (with WPA encryption), without even requiring non-free firmware. 
> It was disappointing after that to discover that using wireless during 
> the install was what caused network-manager not to manage my wireless 
> card, after the installation :-/
> I read the README and also tried managed=true to workaround, but that 
> didn't do it for me. NetworkManager would show my wireless card as 
> "Unavailable"... whatever that means. It reluctantly gave as only reason 
> for that state that the device was now managed...
> d-i added this stanza to /etc/network/interfaces for my wireless card:
>> # The primary network interface
>> allow-hotplug wlan0
>> iface wlan0 inet dhcp
>>     wpa-ssid 1391
>>     wpa-psk  openssh5.1p1
> Commenting the allow-hotplug line managed to work around. It seems that 
> wlan0 was up when network-manager started, and this caused it not to 
> consider wlan0. After bringing wlan0 down and restarting 
> network-manager, NetworkManager could control wlan0.

I thought d-i does *not* create any /e/n/i entries for wireless
connections anymore, so NM can properly manage the interface later on.

Can the d-i team comment on this, please.


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universe are pointed away from Earth?

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