vdr/vdr/debian vdr.links commands.custom.conf reccmds.custom.conf order.commands.conf order.reccmds.conf vdr.dirs rules

Tobias Grimm pkg-vdr-dvb-changes@lists.alioth.debian.org
Thu, 06 May 2004 21:03:32 +0000

Update of /cvsroot/pkg-vdr-dvb/vdr/vdr/debian
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv2631

Modified Files:
	vdr.dirs rules 
Added Files:
	vdr.links commands.custom.conf reccmds.custom.conf 
	order.commands.conf order.reccmds.conf 
Log Message:
added conf files for commands/reccmds

--- NEW FILE: commands.custom.conf ---
# This is an example file for defining external commands, that will be 
# accessable via VDR's OSD menu.
# The commands will be executed under the same user id that vdr is running 
# with, so take care if your are running vdr as root!
# The format of a command entry is:  <title> : <command>
# <title> is the menu text shown on the OSD and <command> is the command to
# be executed. Everything that <command> writes to stdout will be displayed
# on the OSD. i.e.:
# Open fortune cookie: /usr/games/fortune
# If you uncomment the line above and restart vdr, you will have a new 
# command menu entry, called "Open fortune cookie", that will show you a 
# random epigram. ( you may need an "apt-get install fortune" first! )
# If you are using the reccmd-patch, you can even divide your commands into
# submenus. To do so, preceed all sub menu items with a "-". i.e.:
# Fortune Cookies ... : echo "sub menu, no command"
# -Long Dictum        : /usr/games/fortune -l
# -Short Apothegms    : /usr/games/fortune -s
# -Special Topics ... : echo "sub-sub menu, no command"
# --Literature        : /usr/games/fortune literature
# --Riddles           : /usr/games/fortune riddles
# Again, just uncomment the above lines and restart vdr to see for your self,
# how this looks like on the OSD.

--- NEW FILE: vdr.links ---
etc/vdr/command-hooks/commands.custom.conf usr/share/vdr/command-hooks/commands.custom.conf
etc/vdr/command-hooks/reccmds.custom.conf usr/share/vdr/command-hooks/reccmds.custom.conf

--- NEW FILE: reccmds.custom.conf ---
# This is an example file for defining external commands, that will be 
# accessable as commands at the recordings list.
# The commands will be executed under the same user id that vdr is running 
# with, so take care if your are running vdr as root!
# The format of a command entry is:  <title> : <command>
# <title> is the menu text shown on the OSD and <command> is the command to
# be executed. Everything that <command> writes to stdout will be displayed
# on the OSD. Also the name of the selected recording will be passed 
# in single quotes as the first parameter to the command. i.e.:
# Show me the recording name: echo 
# If you uncomment the line above and restart vdr, you will have a new 
# recordings command menu entry, called "Show me the recording name", that 
# will simply show you the recording name :-)
# If you are using the reccmd-patch, you can even divide your commands into
# submenus. To do so, preceed all sub menu items with a "-". i.e.:
# main menu node ...   : echo "sub menu, no command"
# -sub menu entry 1    : do_something.sh
# -sub menu entry 2    : do_something_else.sh
# -sub menu node ...   : echo "sub sub menu, no command"
# --sub-sub menu entry : do_whatever_you_want.sh

Index: vdr.dirs
RCS file: /cvsroot/pkg-vdr-dvb/vdr/vdr/debian/vdr.dirs,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- vdr.dirs	24 Apr 2004 17:18:32 -0000	1.2
+++ vdr.dirs	6 May 2004 21:03:30 -0000	1.3
@@ -4,3 +4,5 @@

Index: rules
RCS file: /cvsroot/pkg-vdr-dvb/vdr/vdr/debian/rules,v
retrieving revision 1.13
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -d -r1.13 -r1.14
--- rules	1 May 2004 13:19:00 -0000	1.13
+++ rules	6 May 2004 21:03:30 -0000	1.14
@@ -106,6 +106,12 @@
 	# install additional conf-files
 	cp debian/order.conf $(CURDIR)/debian/vdr/etc/vdr/plugins/
+	cp debian/order.commands.conf $(CURDIR)/debian/vdr/etc/vdr/command-hooks/
+	cp debian/order.recmds.conf $(CURDIR)/debian/vdr/etc/vdr/command-hooks/
+	# install custom commands files:
+	cp debian/commands.custom.conf $(CURDIR)/debian/vdr/usr/share/vdr/command-hooks/
+	cp debian/reccmds.custom.conf $(CURDIR)/debian/vdr/usr/share/vdr/command-hooks/
 	# config files
 	install -m 644 ca.conf diseqc.conf keymacros.conf sources.conf svdrphosts.conf $(CURDIR)/debian/vdr/etc/vdr/

--- NEW FILE: order.commands.conf ---
# if you like a fixed order in your commands menu
# place the command base names (command.<basename>.conf) here


--- NEW FILE: order.reccmds.conf ---
# if you like a fixed order in your recording commands menu
# place the command base names (reccmds.<basename>.conf) here
