vdr/vdr/debian commands-loader.sh plugin-loader.sh changelog rules vdr.init
Tobias Grimm
Thu, 06 May 2004 21:06:59 +0000
Update of /cvsroot/pkg-vdr-dvb/vdr/vdr/debian
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv4278
Modified Files:
changelog rules vdr.init
Added Files:
commands-loader.sh plugin-loader.sh
Log Message:
extracted functions from vdr.init to separate files
Index: changelog
RCS file: /cvsroot/pkg-vdr-dvb/vdr/vdr/debian/changelog,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -d -r1.10 -r1.11
--- changelog 6 May 2004 14:22:45 -0000 1.10
+++ changelog 6 May 2004 21:06:56 -0000 1.11
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
* Tobias Grimm <vdr@e-tobi.net>
- added automatic loading of plugins in init script from c't vdr
+ - added dynamic generation of reccmds.conf and commands.conf from c't vdr
-- Thomas Schmidt <thomas.schmidt@in.stud.tu-ilmenau.de> Sat, 24 Apr 2004 12:04:41 +0200
--- NEW FILE: plugin-loader.sh ---
# This file is called by /etc/init.d/vdr
VERSION=`/usr/bin/$DAEMON -V 2>/dev/null | grep '^vdr[- ]' | sed -e 's/.*(\(.*\)).*/\1/'`
getplugins ()
local plugin_order
local installed_plugins
local ordered_plugins
local plugin
local i
local arguments
echo -ne "\nSearching for plugins:"
# find installed plugins
installed_plugins=( `find $PLUGIN_DIR -maxdepth 1 -name "$PLUGIN_PREFIX*.so.$VERSION" -printf "%f " | sed "s/$PLUGIN_PREFIX\([^\.]\+\)\.so\.$VERSION/\1/g"` )
if [ -r $PLUGIN_ORDER_FILE ]; then
# load plugin order
plugin_order=( `cat $PLUGIN_ORDER_FILE | sed "s/#.*$//"` )
# move ordered plugins to list of ordered plugins
for plugin in ${plugin_order[@]}; do
for (( i=0 ; i<${#installed_plugins[@]} ; i++ )); do
if [ "$plugin" == "-${installed_plugins[$i]}" ]; then
unset installed_plugins[$i]
installed_plugins=( "${installed_plugins[@]}" )
if [ "$plugin" == "${installed_plugins[$i]}" ]; then
ordered_plugins=( "${ordered_plugins[@]}" "$plugin" )
unset installed_plugins[$i]
installed_plugins=( "${installed_plugins[@]}" )
# append unordered to ordered plugins
ordered_plugins=( "${ordered_plugins[@]}" "${installed_plugins[@]}" )
# add the command line arguments for each plugin
for plugin in ${ordered_plugins[@]}; do
echo -n " $plugin"
if [ -r "$PLUGIN_CFG_DIR/plugin.$plugin.conf" ] ; then
arguments=( `cat $PLUGIN_CFG_DIR/plugin.$plugin.conf | sed "s/#.*$//"` )
PLUGINS="$PLUGINS ${arguments[*]}\""
Index: vdr.init
RCS file: /cvsroot/pkg-vdr-dvb/vdr/vdr/debian/vdr.init,v
retrieving revision 1.14
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -d -r1.14 -r1.15
--- vdr.init 6 May 2004 19:46:27 -0000 1.14
+++ vdr.init 6 May 2004 21:06:56 -0000 1.15
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
DESC="Linux Video Disk Recorder"
+CMDHOOKSDIR="/usr/share/vdr/command-hooks" # should this be in /etc/default/vdr?
# Defaults - don't touch, edit /etc/default/vdr
@@ -19,119 +19,8 @@
test -x /usr/sbin/runvdr || exit 0
-VERSION=`/usr/bin/$DAEMON -V 2>/dev/null | grep '^vdr[- ]' | sed -e 's/.*(\(.*\)).*/\1/'`
-getplugins ()
- local plugin_order
- local installed_plugins
- local ordered_plugins
- local plugin
- local i
- local arguments
- echo -ne "\nSearching for plugins:"
- # find installed plugins
- installed_plugins=( `find $PLUGIN_DIR -maxdepth 1 -name "$PLUGIN_PREFIX*.so.$VERSION" -printf "%f " | sed "s/$PLUGIN_PREFIX\([^\.]\+\)\.so\.$VERSION/\1/g"` )
- if [ -r $PLUGIN_ORDER_FILE ]; then
- # load plugin order
- plugin_order=( `cat $PLUGIN_ORDER_FILE | sed "s/#.*$//"` )
- # move ordered plugins to list of ordered plugins
- for plugin in ${plugin_order[@]}; do
- for (( i=0 ; i<${#installed_plugins[@]} ; i++ )); do
- if [ "$plugin" == "-${installed_plugins[$i]}" ]; then
- unset installed_plugins[$i]
- installed_plugins=( "${installed_plugins[@]}" )
- break
- fi
- if [ "$plugin" == "${installed_plugins[$i]}" ]; then
- ordered_plugins=( "${ordered_plugins[@]}" "$plugin" )
- unset installed_plugins[$i]
- installed_plugins=( "${installed_plugins[@]}" )
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- # append unordered to ordered plugins
- ordered_plugins=( "${ordered_plugins[@]}" "${installed_plugins[@]}" )
- # add the command line arguments for each plugin
- for plugin in ${ordered_plugins[@]}; do
- echo -n " $plugin"
- PLUGINS="$PLUGINS -P $plugin"
- if [ -r "$PLUGIN_CFG_DIR/plugin.$plugin.conf" ] ; then
- arguments=( `cat $PLUGIN_CFG_DIR/plugin.$plugin.conf | sed "s/#.*$//"` )
- PLUGINS="$PLUGINS ${arguments[*]}\""
- fi
- done
- #echo
-writewarning ()
-echo -e \
-"# WARNING: Do not edit this file! It is automatically generated by the\n"\
-"# vdr init-script. If you want to define some custom commands,\n"\
-"# put them in a file called $1.<name>.conf and restart vdr.\n"\
-"# All $1.*.conf files will be concatenated to this file.\n"\
-"# WARNUNG: Ändern Sie nicht diese Datei! Diese Datei wird automatisch vom\n"\
-"# vdr init-Skript generiert. Wenn Sie eigene Kommandos definieren\n"\
-"# möchten, so schreiben Sie diese in eine Datei mit dem Namen\n"\
-"# $1.<name>.conf und starten Sie vdr erneut. Alle\n"\
-"# $1.*.conf -Dateien werden zu dieser Datei zusammengefügt.\n"\
-# merges single <cmdtype>.<name>.conf files into one <cmdtype>.conf using
-# the order defined in order.<cmdtype>.conf
-mergecommands ()
- local cmd
- local cmds
- local cmdsorder
- local line
- local cmdtype
- local cmdfile
- local ordered_cmds
- cmdtype=$1
- cmdfile="$CFG_DIR/$cmdtype.conf"
- writewarning $cmdtype > "$cmdfile"
- cmdsorder=( `cat $CFG_DIR/command-hooks/order.$cmdtype.conf | sed "s/#.*$//"` )
- cmds=(`find $CMDHOOKSDIR -follow -name "$cmdtype.*.conf" || true`)
- # first the ordered commands:
- for cmd in ${cmdsorder[@]}; do
- for (( line=0 ; line<${#cmds[@]} ; line++ )); do
- if echo "${cmds[$line]}" | grep "$cmd">/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- ordered_cmds=( "${ordered_cmds[@]}" "${cmds[$line]}" )
- unset cmds[$line]
- cmds=( "${cmds[@]}" )
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- # then the remaining unordered commands:
- ordered_cmds=( "${ordered_cmds[@]}" "${cmds[@]}" )
- # concatenate all commands
- for cmd in ${ordered_cmds[@]}; do
- if [ "$cmd" != "" ]; then
- cat "$cmd" >> "$cmdfile"
- echo "" >> "$cmdfile"
- fi
- done
+. /usr/lib/vdr/plugin-loader.sh
+. /usr/lib/vdr/commands-loader.sh
--- NEW FILE: commands-loader.sh ---
# This file is called by /etc/init.d/vdr
writewarning ()
echo -e \
"# WARNING: Do not edit this file! It is automatically generated by the\n"\
"# vdr init-script. If you want to define some custom commands,\n"\
"# put them in a file called $1.<name>.conf and restart vdr.\n"\
"# All $1.*.conf files will be concatenated to this file.\n"\
"# WARNUNG: Ändern Sie nicht diese Datei! Diese Datei wird automatisch vom\n"\
"# vdr init-Skript generiert. Wenn Sie eigene Kommandos definieren\n"\
"# möchten, so schreiben Sie diese in eine Datei mit dem Namen\n"\
"# $1.<name>.conf und starten Sie vdr erneut. Alle\n"\
"# $1.*.conf -Dateien werden zu dieser Datei zusammengefügt.\n"\
# merges single <cmdtype>.<name>.conf files into one <cmdtype>.conf using
# the order defined in order.<cmdtype>.conf
mergecommands ()
local cmd
local cmds
local cmdsorder
local line
local cmdtype
local cmdfile
local ordered_cmds
writewarning $cmdtype > "$cmdfile"
cmdsorder=( `cat $CFG_DIR/command-hooks/order.$cmdtype.conf | sed "s/#.*$//"` )
cmds=(`find $CMDHOOKSDIR -follow -name "$cmdtype.*.conf" || true`)
# first the ordered commands:
for cmd in ${cmdsorder[@]}; do
for (( line=0 ; line<${#cmds[@]} ; line++ )); do
if echo "${cmds[$line]}" | grep "$cmd">/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
ordered_cmds=( "${ordered_cmds[@]}" "${cmds[$line]}" )
unset cmds[$line]
cmds=( "${cmds[@]}" )
# then the remaining unordered commands:
ordered_cmds=( "${ordered_cmds[@]}" "${cmds[@]}" )
# concatenate all commands
for cmd in ${ordered_cmds[@]}; do
if [ "$cmd" != "" ]; then
cat "$cmd" >> "$cmdfile"
echo "" >> "$cmdfile"
Index: rules
RCS file: /cvsroot/pkg-vdr-dvb/vdr/vdr/debian/rules,v
retrieving revision 1.14
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -d -r1.14 -r1.15
--- rules 6 May 2004 21:03:30 -0000 1.14
+++ rules 6 May 2004 21:06:56 -0000 1.15
@@ -109,9 +109,13 @@
cp debian/order.commands.conf $(CURDIR)/debian/vdr/etc/vdr/command-hooks/
cp debian/order.recmds.conf $(CURDIR)/debian/vdr/etc/vdr/command-hooks/
- # install custom commands files:
+ # install custom commands files
cp debian/commands.custom.conf $(CURDIR)/debian/vdr/usr/share/vdr/command-hooks/
cp debian/reccmds.custom.conf $(CURDIR)/debian/vdr/usr/share/vdr/command-hooks/
+ # install helper files for vdr.init
+ cp debian/plugin-loader.sh $(CURDIR)/debian/vdr/usr/lib/vdr
+ cp debian/commands-loader.sh $(CURDIR)/debian/vdr/usr/lib/vdr
# config files
install -m 644 ca.conf diseqc.conf keymacros.conf sources.conf svdrphosts.conf $(CURDIR)/debian/vdr/etc/vdr/