Bug#280592: vdr-plugin-remote: French program translation
Darren Salt
Wed, 10 Nov 2004 23:37:34 +0000
(Don't mind me. I'm just trying to improve the quality of the untranslate=
text a little...)
I demand that Yves Rutschle may or may not have written...
> msgid "Try to automatically load the evdev-module?"
FWIW: that hyphen is unnecessary.
> msgstr "Faut-il charger automatiquement le module =AB=A0evdev-module=A0=
... which makes that just "=AB=A0evdev=A0=BB".
> "Enable this, if you want a setup that automatically loads the kernel-m=
odule "
> "evdev, needed by the remote-plugin."
"Enable this if you want a setup which automatically loads the evdev modu=
needed by the remote plugin."
> msgstr ""
> "Choisissez cette option si vous souhaitez que le module =AB=A0evdev=A0=
=BB soit charg=E9 "
> "automatiquement. Ce module est requis par remote-plugin."
... which probably makes that "... plugin remote".
> "This script will try to load the module evdev, and if this is successf=
ul, "
> "it will add a new entry for evdev to your /etc/modules."
s/, and/ and,/
> "If this fails, your kernel maybe does not have evdev-support, and you =
will "
Another unnecessary hyphen.
> "need to rebuild you kernel with the CONFIG_INPUT_EVDEV option enabled.=
Typo: s/you/your/.
| Darren Salt | linux (or ds) at | nr. Ashington,
| woody, sarge, | youmustbejoking | Northumberland
| RISC OS | demon co uk | Toon Army
| I don't ask for much, just untold riches...
You attempt things that you don't even plan due to your extreme stupidity=