VDR-Xine-Plugin with CLE266
Sebastian Ortwein
Sat, 9 Oct 2004 16:35:17 +0200 (MEST)
I want to use my VIA-EPIA Bord with a low Budget Card.
So I have make these Packagaes in Debian/Sarge
Kernel 2.6.8 with C3-2 support
DRM-1.5.0 Kernel Drivers (needed by the new VIA Unichrome drivers)
XFree86-4.4.0 (with the new Driver and libviaXvMC i know about the problems
with the new lizenz but libviaXvMC work at the moment only with 4.4.0)
XvMC Wrapper (without that libxine will not use XvMC)
libxine (CVS 2004104, added patches from vdr-xine-0.5.1)
xine-ui (CVS 2004104)
driver, libviaXvMC and the XvMC Wrapper are from
DRM-1.5.0 from http://dri.sourceforge.net
at this time I have mailed with Tobias and he send me the page from Darren
Salt (http://www.youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk/progs.unstable.html#vdr-daemon)
so here are my question to Darren.
Is there a mpeg2 acceleration for Via-CLE266 with your Packages ? When yes
how ?
If you see any use in my Packages can we work together to merge the best
from my and your Packages?
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