VDR-Xine-Plugin with CLE266
Darren Salt
Mon, 11 Oct 2004 18:19:16 +0100
I demand that Sebastian Ortwein may or may not have written...
> I want to use my VIA-EPIA Bord with a low Budget Card.
> So I have make these Packagaes in Debian/Sarge
> Kernel 2.6.8 with C3-2 support
> DRM-1.5.0 Kernel Drivers (needed by the new VIA Unichrome drivers)
> XFree86-4.4.0 (with the new Driver and libviaXvMC i know about the problems
> with the new [licence] but libviaXvMC work at the moment only with 4.4.0)
> XvMC Wrapper (without that libxine will not use XvMC)
> libxine (CVS 2004104, added patches from vdr-xine-0.5.1)
> xine-ui (CVS 2004104)
FWIW, I'm currently building vdr-xine 0.5.2 and I've already built updated
xine-lib 1-rc6a. Packages may be available later this evening.
> driver, libviaXvMC and the XvMC Wrapper are from
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/unichrome/
> DRM-1.5.0 from http://dri.sourceforge.net
[my libxine1 etc. builds]
> Is there a mpeg2 acceleration for Via-CLE266 with your Packages? When yes
> how?
There isn't... hmm, it wants both libXvMC.{a,so} and libXvMCNVIDIA.{a,so},
and fails to print any message if the nVidia library isn't available. I'd
report it, but it appears to have been cleaned up in CVS.
> If you see any use in my Packages can we work together to merge the best
> from my and your Packages?
Probably. I'm going to rebuild xine-lib with a patched configure script. A
quick test suggests that it'll work: XvMC is now listed and XvMCNVIDIA isn't
| Darren Salt | linux (or ds) at | nr. Ashington,
| woody, sarge, | youmustbejoking | Northumberland
| RISC OS | demon co uk | Toon Army
| <URL:http://www.youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk/> (PGP 2.6, GPG keys)
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