/var/lib/video/epg.data (/var/cache/vdr)
Thomas Schmidt
Wed, 27 Oct 2004 12:55:28 +0200
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* Thomas G=FCnther schrieb am 27.10.04, um 11:59 Uhr:
> In ctvdr it looks like this without the echo:
> root@vdr:/usr/lib/vdr/plugins# /etc/init.d/vdr start
> Searching for plugins (VDR 1.2.6): tvonscreen osdpip mp3 mplayer dvd vcd
> vdrrip image games solitaire console calendar timeline femon osdteletext
> clock mailbox playlist scanner screenshot teletext ttxtsubs
> autotimeredit vdrc dvdselect control undeleteChecking remotes LIRC KBD
> Starting Linux Video Disk Recorder: vdr .
> We could output the newline before the "Checking" in
> /usr/lib/vdrdevel/remotes-loader.sh. But moreover I think it's time to
> equalize the init script as much as possible.
Hmm, in the official packages we do not have the remotes-loader.sh,
and the order of the output is another one, so i guess it would be the
best if you output the echo directly in the init-script or as you
suggested in the beginning of remotes-loader.sh. Apart from this, i
think it is more logically when the message "Starting Linux Video Disk
Recoder: vdr" appears before the plugin and remotes-loading, and the
final "." after the last normal output of the init-script, so in you
case directly after the "KBD".
Thomas Schmidt
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