/var/lib/video/epg.data (/var/cache/vdr)
Thomas Günther
Wed, 27 Oct 2004 13:43:54 +0200
Thomas Schmidt schrieb:
> Hmm, in the official packages we do not have the remotes-loader.sh,
> and the order of the output is another one, so i guess it would be the
> best if you output the echo directly in the init-script or as you
> suggested in the beginning of remotes-loader.sh. Apart from this, i
> think it is more logically when the message "Starting Linux Video Disk
> Recoder: vdr" appears before the plugin and remotes-loading, and the
> final "." after the last normal output of the init-script, so in you
> case directly after the "KBD".
You are right. The order is better in the official package and the start
procedure too. The current start procedure of ctvdr has problems to
recognize a running vdr. So we should take over the startvdr and stopvdr
scripts to ctvdr and put in the ctvdr specials (remotes and KEYB_TTY).