conflicts between shutdown hooks of nvram-wakeup and e.g. noad
Thomas Schmidt
Wed, 5 Jan 2005 13:30:38 +0100
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* Tobias Grimm schrieb am 05.01.05, um 01:13 Uhr:
> You are perfectly right - this is a well known problem. It's already=20
> solved in vdr 1.2.6-6 (not yet released). In this revision, processing=20
> the shutdown hooks will be aborted, if a hook script requests to delay=20
> the shutdown. This way the nvram-wakeup-hook will be called only, if the=
> system will really shut down (because it should always be the last hook).
Btw: While testing the latest changes in vdr 1.2.6-6 in noticed that=20
we now have a new problem with the shutdown-scripts (i did not think
about this before changing to run vdr as user): The shutdown-scripts
must run as root. The easiest solution to workaround this problem
would be to change the call to vdr-shutdown in the init-script to
"sudo vdr-shutdown" when $USER !=3D root and to inform the user how to
setup sudo that this calls works.
What do you think about this idea?
While testing the vdr-package with linda i also noticed another
problem, which we should correct as soon as possible:=20
We still have FHS-violation in the packages: Shellscripts should not
be placed under /usr/lib/vdr, but under /usr/share/vdr, because
/usr/lib/ is for architecture depending files only.
Another thing, but this time a good one:
The package of ffmpeg will enter unstable tonight, this will allow us
to package a few more packages for the official archive. (one example
is vdr-plugin-image, which build-depends on libavcodec-dev)
Thomas Schmidt
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