conflicts between shutdown hooks of nvram-wakeup and e.g. noad

Tobias Grimm
Wed, 05 Jan 2005 21:15:06 +0100

Thomas Schmidt wrote:

>about this before changing to run vdr as user): The shutdown-scripts
>must run as root.
Must they? Wouldn't it be enough to add "sudo" to SHUTDOWNCMD in 
If a shutdown hook overwrites SHUTDOWNCMD, it should take care to use 
sudo too,
if necessary.

>We still have FHS-violation in the packages: Shellscripts should not
>be placed under /usr/lib/vdr, but under /usr/share/vdr, because
>/usr/lib/ is for architecture depending files only.

Even dpkg installs shell scripts to /usr/lib or gettext, tasksel and others.
BTW: I dont't get such a complain from linda. Am I doing something wrong?

>The package of ffmpeg will enter unstable tonight,

Great! Will it be added to contrib?
