conflicts between shutdown hooks of nvram-wakeup and e.g. noad
Thomas Schmidt
Thu, 6 Jan 2005 01:52:20 +0100
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* Tobias Grimm schrieb am 05.01.05, um 21:15 Uhr:
> >about this before changing to run vdr as user): The shutdown-scripts
> >must run as root.
> >
> Must they? Wouldn't it be enough to add "sudo" to SHUTDOWNCMD in=20
> /etc/default/vdr?
> If a shutdown hook overwrites SHUTDOWNCMD, it should take care to use=20
> sudo too, if necessary.
Of course not every shutdown-hook must run as root, but normally at
the end of processing the shutdown-hooks the command /sbin/halt will
be called, and this is definitely one of the commands which have to
run as root. ;-)
When the whole vdr-shutdown-script will run as root, the configuration
of sudo will be much shorter as the other version: running /sbin/halt,
/etc/init.d/vdr, /sbin/reboot, /usr/sbin/nvram-wakeup ... with sudo.
Well, changing $SHUTDOWNCMD in /etc/default/vdr to use sudo would be
enough too, even when sudo is not configured to use this command.
(At least i hope this.) ;-)
The only thing, which needs to be done also is to add documentation
how to configure sudo in the correct way.
> Even dpkg installs shell scripts to /usr/lib or gettext, tasksel and othe=
Hmm, the i guess we can keep this, until someone complains massively.
;-) (I know that changing this would require to change some other
packages too, which would not be a 5 minute job.) ;-)
> BTW: I dont't get such a complain from linda. Am I doing something wrong?
I guess you are just calling linda (and probably lintian too) with the
wrong file: You should allways call both tools with the .changes-file.
linda -i vdr_1.2.6-6_i386.changes
lintian -i vdr_1.2.6-6_i386.changes
> >The package of ffmpeg will enter unstable tonight,
> Great! Will it be added to contrib?
No, it is placed in main. :)
Thomas Schmidt
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