
Thomas Schmidt pkg-vdr-dvb-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Wed, 19 Jan 2005 00:27:45 +0100

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I guess you noticed that we have a RC-Bug in vdr at the moment, the
bug is fixed in cvs, so i want to ask you to upload vdr 1.2.6-6 which
includes a fix for this an a lot of other fixes/changes.

I tested the package a lot, and i think there should not be very big
problems, i also changed the urgency of the upload to high, because of
the RC-Bug.

There are a few other packages which need to be updated because vdr
1.2.6-6 now runs as the user vdr, the packages which are ready:

* vdr-plugin-prefermenu 0.6.2-2
* vdr-plugin-osdteletext 0.3.2-7

At least the packages vdr-plugin-console and vdradmin need updates
too, but i am not ready with fixing them - i think closing the RC-Bug
is more important. (For vdr-plugin-console it would be cool if someone
could check how to make it work with vdr 1.2.6-6, for vdradmin i
allready have an idea how to fix it. (only the "Live-TV"-Function of
vdradmin does not work))

There are also 2 other packages which can be updated, because they
have new upstream version (both packages are not very important, but
it would be very nice if you could upload them too.)

* vdr-plugin-mp3 (0.9.9-1)
* vdr-plugin-remote (0.3.3-1)


Thomas Schmidt

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