
Christian Schoenebeck pkg-vdr-dvb-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Sun, 15 May 2005 00:51:07 +0200

Es geschah am Samstag, 14. Mai 2005 23:00 als Darren Salt schrieb:
> > There is only one problem left..... how can I access the OSD / switch
> > channels from within xine? The readme mentions the keybindings editor of
> > xine, but there is no single entry of VDR. I also tried the -r switch
> > with vdr, didn't help either. Is there any way?
> You could rebuild xine with --enable-vdr-keys (file a wishlist bug).

Ok, now I have the vdr entries in the keymap editor of xine, but unfortunately 
none of them has an effect. No matter what keys I'm assigning to which 
function, nothing happens when I press those keys in xine. This is my vdr 
command line:

	vdr -c /etc/vdr -E /home/me/vdr/ -P xine

I tried the following as well:

	vdr -c /etc/vdr -E /home/me/vdr/ -P xine -r

Didn't help either.

> Or you could use gxine, which has VDR support by default. There's a CVS

I installed that gxine package, but it doesn't work at all. It simply refuses 
to start:

	me@mybox:/home# gxine --verbose
	bind: No such file or directory

