e-tobi.net vs. alioth debs

Tobias Grimm pkg-vdr-dvb-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Fri, 20 May 2005 18:49:21 +0200

Nicolas Huillard wrote:

> Is there a public CVS/SVN repository for the packages that are not on 
> alioth ?

Only ViewCVS is accessible for the public:


> Since vdrdevel is not on alioth, how can I contribute to those (if 
> possible or needed) ?

You can simply send the changes to me or Thomas Günther. I can also give 
you write access to the CVS, if you want to.

> What process creates the packages on your repository : is there an 
> automatic build, or is it more manual, thus slower when tracking 
> upstream versions ?

I wrote a small but ugly ruby script, that takes a list of packages, 
grabs them from CVS/SVN and compiles them for each patch variant of VDR:

A release file looks like this:


It's far from perfect, but it served us pretty well so far.

> Since I want to track vdr 1.3.23+ (I already have this version), with 
> a directory naming à-la vdr (not vdrdevel, since I tracked Darren 
> Salt's repository), should I use vdrdevel (and copy many conf files 
> from where they currently are) or wait for sarge/experimental to 
> switch to 1.3.x ?

We will soon update vdr.1.2.6 to 1.3.x, so you might want to wait for 
this. All vdrdevel-packages will then become available as vdr packages 
within one or two weeks.
