vdr-plugin-softdevice now in SVN repository

Tobias Grimm pkg-vdr-dvb-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Sat, 21 May 2005 00:50:07 +0200

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I'v just uploaded the softdevice plugin to the SVN repository. It
compiles and works with Debian/Sarge dependencies only. No packages from
Christian Marillat are required at the moment. This is the first time, I
used the ffmpeg libs from Sarge, but it seems to work. I've tested it
with streamdev-client on my 600 MHz Celeron Notebook with framebuffer
output as well as with Xv. DirectFB and VIDIX are not supported at the
moment. Thanks to Martin Wache and all other softdevice developers - you
did a good job. Only some small modification to the Makefile were
necessary and the whole thing worked.

Thanks to Nicolas Huillard as well for the initial Debian package! I
only needed to clean up the package a little bit and bring it up to date
with our "inoffical VDR packaging policy".

@Nicolas: See the changelog for the list of changes I did:


There are still some open points and maybe a little bit of "finetuning"
needs to be done:

- Should the package depend on ALSA somehow? Maybe the "-ao
dummy:"-Option should be set by default?
- Access to the ALSA-devices seems to need root-priviliges - this has to
be solved somehow.
- Maybe all available command line options should be put (commented out)
into the plugin.*.conf?
- Make DFB++ package or ask dfb maintainer for it (Nicolas already has a
package, I'll test this over the weekend)



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